Friday, May 22, 2009

"The Lost Chalice" - a Review

Meow! The claws are out in Susan Mazur's review of "The Lost Chalice" by Bloomberg News Rome correspondent Vernon Silver. It’s about Silver’s quest to find the Euphronios Sarpedon cup, the “twin” of the Euphronios bowl the Metropolitan Museum of Art denied for 33 years (or so) came from Italy but returned to Italy in 2008. I believe Mr. Don and I saw this piece when we visited the Met in September, 2005, but I wouldn't swear to it! We saw a lot of things during the two days we visited the Met, before either of us had digital cameras, so we have no photos to refresh our memories (unlike during our 2009 trip, when I downloaded 907 photos that all four of us took - not including whatever photos Isis and Michelle may have taken during their last day in New York, the day after Mr. Don and I came back to Milwaukee). If you want to be vastly entertained and get a glimpse into the convoluted and competitive world of antiquities looting and smuggling, and the nature of the journalists who write about such things, please read the article. In my humble opinion, Oscar Muscarella is the only one briefly mentioned in the review who shines. Muscarella had a lot to say about the Jiroft (Iran) finds that originally surfaced in 2001.

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