
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Reshevsky Memorial at Texas Tech

Hola! The tournament formerly known as the Reshevsky Memorial International Invitational has been renamed. It's new name is now: 2007 SPICE Cup International Invitational Chess Tournament At her blog, Susan Polgar announced the line-up - minus the #1 position player: 2. GM Boris Gulko 2571 USA 3. GM Julio Beccerra 2568 USA 4. GM Imre Hera 2544 Hungary 5. GM Gilberto Hernandez 2536 Mexico 6. GM Eugene Perelshteyn 2536 USA 7. IM Dmitry Schneider 2502 USA 8. IM Manuel Hoyos Leon 2495 Mexico 9. IM Irina Krush 2475 USA 10. IM Blas Lugo 2411 USA The event is a Category 12. More information about the event can be found here. So - everyone is going to be guessing who the #1 player will be. Personally, I would love to see another female player in the mix - but if she's in the #1 spot that leaves only Judit Polgar or Humpy Koneru (female players rated above 2571), and I doubt either of them are going to be the #1. So, it's a guy. That's the extent of my "guessing."

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