
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Some Grey Squirrel News from England

I haven't posted anything about my buddies the squirrels, for awhile. Funny story - this morning as my favorite furniture cleaner was here (he's done my furniture and carpets for years, practically since this place was built in 1990), he happened to see some of my buddies out on the deck and commented on them. Yes, I said, I feed them. Oh, he says. Well, maybe I can bring my dogs over and put a scare into 'em, heh? No, I says, they run too fast, it wouldn't be fitting for your dogs. LOL! This story isn't so funny, because the problem of "invasive species" isn't very funny. We have massive problems on the Great Lakes, for instance, with invasive species that have hitchhiked in ballast on ships from foreign lands, dumped into our fresh water lakes - the a-holes! It makes me SO angry that these ships can just dump their crap (you know what) anywhere they want. (The oceans are full of plastic garbage these days, too - I've read if "islands" formed of plastic waste from cruise ships and other ships, and probably dumped from jets too). Here's the story.

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