
Friday, July 17, 2009

We Need a Female GM or IM or WGM!

Hola darlings! As we have previously written, as part of our initiative to support local chess events and, particularly, to encourage female chessplayers to participate in such events, Goddesschess is funding class prizes for chess femmes who play in the 2009 Montreal Open Chess Championship (September 11 - 13, 2009): Special Class Prizes sponsored by Goddesschess: Section B - $45 for best finish by female player Section C - $35 for best finish by female player Section D - $25 for best finish by female player These prizes are in addition to any class prizes that may be won by female players. Goddesschess' experiences with the people who are sponsoring and putting together the 2009 Montreal Open Chess Championship have been a great pleasure. We are sympatico with those who are working to present the best-yet Montreal Open. To paraphrase Humphrey Bogart's last line in "Casablanca" - this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship :) Goddesschess is therefore pleased to announce guaranteed additional financial support for a Female GM or IM, or a WGM titled player to this year's Montreal Open. Women's World Chess Champion GM Alexandria Kosteniuk talks about this quest at her chess blog. If you are interested, or if you have a lead to a female GM or IM, or a WGM who might be interested in participating in the 2009 Montreal Open, please contact for further information on terms and financial support provided.

1 comment:

  1. It is really nice that you are doing this. In this year's Canadian Open Chess Championship it was great to see so many women and girls playing in the tournament. GM Xue Zhao, IM Krush,WFM Dina Kagramanov, WIM Alisa Melekhina and Dalia Kagramanov did really well in the 2009 Canadian Open, which proves that gender means nothing, when it comes to performing in chess. Best wishes to all of you at,
