
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Games Other Than Chess: A Little News

I found both of these articles of interest. APSU artist releases book of paper chess pieces October 30, 2009 (Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee) “When I was 5 years old, my dad had worked at the New York World’s Fair, and he had gone to the Dutch Pavilion and he bought this kit – make your own medieval village,” Black said. “One night after supper, we cleared the dining room table and cut everything out and glued everything together. It was like magic. I thought, ‘wow, I want to do that.’” Entrepreneurs roll the dice on board game industry Friday, Oct. 30, 2009 by Erin Donaghue Staff Writer Xtreme Takeover - a game that looks like chess and checkers, but isn't


  1. But back to chess, Jan, I just came across an article that might interest you: The Games of Chess and Backgammon in Sasanian Persia

    All the best,


  2. Hola Judith,

    Thanks so much for the article link. I sent it to our webmaster who, I am sure, will add it to our list of online articles/resources.

