
Monday, December 13, 2010

Nahua God of Games

From The National Geographic:

Gaming God
Image courtesy Barbara Voorhies

A deity of games for the Nahua, an Aztec people of central Mexico, is pictured in a 16th-century illustration.

The Aztec played games of chance and skill, including bowling and checkers.

"The Indian casino thing, in a way, is not anything new—this has always been a popular activity," noted John Johnson, curator of anthropology at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History in California, who was not involved in the Chantuto-holes research.

Published December 13, 2010


  1. ...oh, that's macui xochitl(N)=
    5 flower, in the buzzard/tzopilotl
    buzzard(day 16/trecena 16, the
    southern bacab, and later mayan
    writing sign=tz'ib/wax in the tzolkin). 5 flower is often depicted as black xolotl, he's god
    of tobacco, evening star twin of
    quetzalcoatl, clown/proto-devil,
    and arguably the oldest god in
    mexico so far. dogwood tobacco
    leaf is named in his memory.
    thoreau calls him, macuo xigil,
    in, the maine woods, when he describes what his guide smokes.
    color red is associated with him
    as he leads the sun through the
    underworld every day. one of his
    games is patolli played on a cloth
    board with diagonal lines like tic-
    tac-toe and one throws dadoes/dice
    trying to get 3-in-a-row in the
    oh, different subject- as i was
    writing along in tzopilotl.wordpress
    i started to do the wordstring,
    copina(Nauatl) and came up with,
    kubaba(turkish caryatid and mother
    goddess), who is copper/cup/chariot.
    she's the succesor
    of tlatla cave goddess, who was
    our fire drill.
    kubaba is the marvel of copper.
    she starts about 3309bc or
    earlier as the quetzalcoatl
    expedition sailed for chaunis
    drop off(near our georgia)but
    sailed into the gulf of mexico instead, where generations of
    mexican scholars have been
    trying to decipher, tamoanchan,
    as, we are looking for our home?,
    fat chance quetzalcoatl would have forgotten where he came from,
    cf., roanoke(lee miller)and
    haklyut's voyages for the real
    text of the word. -chan=chantli(N)=
    house, but mex lexicographers
    haven't broken temoayan yet, and
    that's the key word identifying

  2. ...update on Tamoanchan(Mex)=
    Chaunis Temoan(Haklyut's Voyages)=
    Chauhnecocoya Temoayan(Nauatl)=
    The devil's cliffs(possessed
    by the demon), Georgia, USA.
