
Saturday, May 28, 2011

2011 St. Louis Chess Battle of the Sexes

I have few details - I haven't found information online. 

This morning, I belatedly opened up my latest CCI magazine and there was a special announcement about the CCI meeting to be held in St. Louis, Missouri USA this year in September.  The meeting will coincide with the grand opening of the World Chess Hall of Fame and Museum (September 8, 2011) which will be/is located across the street from the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis (popularly known as the St. Louis Chess Club).  The World Chess Hall of Fame and Museum has partnered with the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis and will be offering rotating exhibits of the Museum's collection of memorabilia and chess sets, etc. and special exhibits focusing on the history of the great game of chess and its players.  Read more about it.  Sounds great!

Back to the upcoming "Chess Battle of the Sexes" - the flyer included with the CCI magazine says that five top women and five top men will play in the event.  Judit Polgar and Hikaru Nakamura are two of the players.

I also noticed at GM Alexandra Kosteniuk's chess blog that she has listed a "St. Louis Battle of the Sexes" on her calendar of upcoming events, with dates September 8 - 21, 2011!  The CCI meeting will take place in St. Louis September 9 - 11, 2011, so attending members will be present in St. Louis during the opening days of this new tournament.

Love the idea!

I'll post more when I know more.

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