
Saturday, November 5, 2011

2011 European Team Chess Championships - Women

I think it's safe to say that Armenians love chess.  Tournaments in which Armenian players are participating are regularly covered in the Armenian press, usually with equal attention being paid to the country's female players.  A pretty strong Armenian women's team is playing in the European Team Chess Championships right now and, ah, they're doing better than the male players.  Of course, it's just the beginning of a long tournament: 

Armenian women’s team defeats Croatia in European Chess Championship round 2
PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian women’s team defeated Croatia 2,5:1,5 in the 2nd round of the European Chess Championship in Porto Carras.

GM Elina Danielian won her game, while Lilit Mkrtchyan, Maria Kirsova and Lilit Galoyan played in a draw to take the 9th position with 4.5 points. Serbians top the standings with 7.5 points.

In the next round, Armenia will face Germany.
Men’s team lost the 2nd round and dropped to the 19th place with 4.5 points.

Check out this website on the ETCC put together by Chessdom.  Very nice.

An interview with GM Kateryna Lahno after R2 (top board Women's Team, Ukraine):

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