
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Free Man In Paris

Tonight I want to write about a song Ive have in my head for MONTHS. It all started in some dream or other, something from one of my past lives, maybe.  Not sure I've had any, by the way, but I sure do dream about them often enough and I tend to be generous with myself when it comes to this sort of thing, so maybe it's actually true... 

The longer I've resisted writing about the particular 'thing,' the stronger and stronger Joni Mitchell has been insisting on singing this song full tilt inside my head!  No doubt there is a sound psychological reason for it - like I turned 60 this year, for instance, and I'm going through some sort of mental review of my past herstory.  Or I could just be - finally - losing my mind.  I don't think early onset Alzheimers exhibits this particular kind of symptom, which is a relief.  Sigh!  Then again...

ta...ta......ta....(harmonious blending of sounds from guitars, drums and horns in the background)...ta... ta...... ta....I am hearing those chords echoing in my brain from THAT SONG, all the time, and it's driving me mad, I tell you, MAD. Not that I wasn't already quite MAD before, but now I mean it.  I'm really, really MAD. 

Walking down to the bus stop in the morning, it's especially strong.  Somehow, my cadence always seems to match that song playing inside my brain, ta...ta......ta.... OH OH... time to call out the men in the white coats 'They're coming to take me away, aha! They're coming to take me away, ho ho!..."   Oh boy.

Okay, maybe it's work related.  Or weather related?  Seems the only time I'm going out at barely sunrise in the cold dark days of November, December, January, February, March is when I'm marching down to the bus stop to head to the office -- well, you get the picture.  And now, since so-called "Daylight Savings Time" has kicked in, I'm not only waking up to darkness in the morning, I'm also going home in the dark too.  And I do mean dark.  Tonight, in the storm, it was pitch black out there, couldn't even see a tree limb coming at me if my life depended upon it...  How does this damn cell phone work?  I got a new one about a month ago now, and it's been sitting inside a draw ever since because I haven't had time to figure out how it goes together and how to run the damn thing.  I purchased the subscription (or whatever it's called) through the office not to communicate with anyone other than 911, just in case I slip on some ice in the dark on the long walk home from the bus stop, or I happen to get smushed underneath a tree limb some dark, stormy night, like tonight...

FREE MAN IN PARIS - YEAH, I'M THE MAN. Or maybe I'm Joni Mitchell, in my next life...the way I see it... you just can't win it...

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