
Sunday, December 29, 2013


Woo woo, darlings!  Been sitting here on pin and needles since 3:25 p.m. this afternoon when the game started -- PACKERS v. DA CHICAGO BEARS at Soldiers Field in Chicago, IL, USA,amidst a snow storm.  Yeah, baby, NFL football in December!


In lieu of my heart condition, I chose not to watch the game in full. I didn't want to KILL myself with a massive heart attack! Instead, I turned the game on TV and then turned it off if the Pack was not ahead.  LOL!  Several times. Oh, my poor heart!  I last turned the t.v. off during the early minutes of the 4th quarter after DA BEARS went up by 8 points yet again.

And so it was only a minute or so ago that I clicked the TV on again and the Packers/Bears game was OVAH! I turned the TV off and rushed to coverage online at The Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel, where I learned the Packers won by a score of 33 to 28. 

And now, the play-offs begin!

So, next weekend I'll be doing this drill all over again :)  Honestly, I do not know if I can stand this!

By the way, this just so happened to be THE DECISIVE GAME OF THE SEASON.  And it just so happened that QUARTERBACK AARON RODGERS CAME BACK FROM A BROKEN COLLAR BONE SUFFERED EIGHT WEEKS AGO TO LEAD THE TEAM TO VICTORY!  Well, if this isn't the stuff of legends, I don't know what is :)

Here is the box score, from JS Online coverage:

Green Bay at Chicago
GB 01371333
CHI 7014728

Watch the awesome video of Rodgers (number 12) throwing the pass to Wide Receiver Randall Cobb (number 18) and Cobb catching the perfect pass and then running for the winning touchdown  at SB Nation!

For video recap of this exciting game, check this out from Yahoo sports.

The Packers will host the San Francisco 49ers next weekend at Lambeau Field. The 49ers beat the Arizona Cardinals in the final seconds to secure the No. 5 seed. The Packers are locked in as the No. 4 seed.

OHMYGODDESS!  San Frickingcisco!  I HATE THEM! I hate then almost as much as I HATE THE MINNESOTA VIKINGS.  Bwwwwwwaaaaaahhhhhhh!  Where did they finish in the NFC North?  Oh, 5 wins, 10 losses, and 1 tie. IN LAST PLACE IN THE DIVISION.  Tee hee hee.  Okay, so it's mean to laugh.  I don't care - I'm a BEYATCH! 

Game on next week, darlings, at LEGENDARY LAMBEAU FIELDDDDDDD (cue echo effect...)

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