
Thursday, September 14, 2017

True Beauty is Timeless

Ahhhhhh, amore!  I've been thinking about that a lot, lately.  Perhaps I am getting overly sentimental in my old age?  Now piano concertos make me cry -- Mozart Piano Concerto No. 23, 2. Adagio; Chopin Spring Waltz (Mariage d'Amour); Rachmaninov no. 2 Opus Moderato Allegro; the waltz scene from the 2014 French version of "Beauty and the Beast," La Belle et le Bete.

Just dropping in for a short visit, things are super busy here this autumn and I haven't had time to do ANYTHING on the blog.  I was, though, this morning going through my Youtube "History" and came across this wonderful advertisement clip I saved for a perfume, featuring the ever-beautiful Sophia Loren.  It's fabulous, dahlings!

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