
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Pretty Darn Cool Ancient Viking Board Game Piece Discovered

(Originally written on April 6, 2020 and somehow, it ended up in my "Drafts" and did not get publish - until now.  JN)

I'm very delinquent reporting this discovery, but now that I'm essentially grounded at home base for who knows how long during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that, of course under our MAGA orange-faced Cheerleader in Chief has projected the USA into the top world position for most infected citizens and on track to outpace every other country in deaths attributed to COVID-19, I'm going to be doing some catch-up because there's only so much yard work a girl can do in a day.  Besides, it's going to be raining for the next four days straight.  Blech!

Take a look at this beautiful gaming piece!

Hnefatafl gaming piece discovered from an archaeological dig trench dated
to the 8th or 9th centuries CE at Lindisfarne, United Kingdom.

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