This is a photo of my grand-niece, Taylor, and grand-nephew, Austin, the children 0f my youngest niece, Kristen. No tears this year on Santa's lap! They are grandchildren of my youngest sister. They're so cute - carrying on the tradition of those gorgeous Newton genes :)
My Christmas tree is looking good - I've been tweaking the decorations here and there. One of my favorite places to shop, Boston Store (currently owned by Bon Ton), has been featuring discount coupons in the newspaper every few days, and I've been getting some very good bargains as a result, because the coupons are on top of discounts already in place. Yesterday I scored a very nice Nine West tote bag that retailed for $55 for $33 and change after various discounts. I've my eye on a few more glitzy Christmas ornaments too - now being discounted at 40% plus 10% coupon discount. I may shop tomorrow after I leave the office - yep, it's that time of year, tax accounting, CLE reports due on 12/31 and the uber-rich getting GRAT trusts in place and funded prior to the end of the year; now is an ideal time to fund such trusts, because of depressed asset values, lowering the gift taxes due if the transfers exceed $12,000 per donee per year.
A heat wave is due through just before sunrise tomorrow. By Sunday it's supposed to get all the way into the mid-40's - but with rain. That's a big BUT, because the temperature will drop Sunday night. You know what that means. ICE. LOTS AND LOTS OF ICE. I'm already planning what I'm going to do with my day off on Monday, cuz I won't risk life and limb trying to walk the 3/4 miles to the bus stop on ice! It's bad enough out there as it is! Although it's been below zero with windchills the past couple of days, it has been sunny, enough to melt snow and ice on the sidewalks which promptly freezes again after sundown at 4:17 p.m. Try walking on that! Oh Goddess!
Anyway, that great big Moon is out there tonight - it's so bright I swear my neighbors have left on their patio lights, but it's the Moon! Far too cold, though, to attempt to snap pics outside. I've already got tender spots, chafing and peeling skin on my face from the cold weather, and no amount of super moisturizers can cure it. Arggghhhh!
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