Saturday, December 5, 2009
Not a good day
Today was set aside for looking at new houses to potentially buy. Mind you, my house has been shown now three times and no offers have been received. I was so certain that my lovely, beautiful house would sell at a snap of my fingers.
That being said, even if I had received an offer the very first showing, I am now realizing, as earlier today I walked through perfectly adequate houses put on the market by other sellers, just smaller places, just how much I will be giving up if I sell this house, assuming I can sell it for the price I want (that is by no means certain).
I have been in tears since I got home shortly after noon. I am in tears right now. This entire process has been infinitely more difficult than I ever imagined, not that I thought much about it before I signed the Listing Contract to try and sell this home. I thought I was a rational, logical person. My Goddess, how wrong I was about myself. I am not rational or logical at all.
After viewing five houses today (the cream of the crop, I have to admit, from my list of seven potential), I put in an offer on a lovely one story brick ranch home, closer (much closer) to all the conveniences that I need than this place, and a much more managible yard than what I have now. Yes, it is smaller, but the bedrooms are large and have hardwood floors. The bathroom is acceptable, compared to the others I saw today (my repainted, refloored and re-mirrored bathroom with a quite ceiling vent van and no rotting wooden window over the bathtub now shines as an outstanding fashion icon and has nearly 2x the space of most of the baths I saw earlier today, oh my). The basement appeared buildable if I want to add a "rec" room. The kitchen is large enough to hold my 56" round table and four large chairs. The living room is large enough to host my massive front room furniture and my bookcase/breakfront. I'll just have to get rid of a sleeper sofa, a large wing chair, a large recliner, two large bookcases, a large entertainment center, and a sofa table from my current family room to make everything fit hunky-dory.
The stove and fridge are much better than those in this house. It has a 2-car garage. The yard is okay - somewhat smaller than mine (that's what I wanted), but I will have to take out all of the shrubs newly-planted up against the foundation of the house (what were they thinking???) and place them out along the boundary lines to delineate my new yard from the public parkway. Because of the configuration of the house, there is no patio; there is no deck; no part of the yard is truly private. Not at all like my back yard here.
That is, of course, if my offer (filled with contingencies, including selling this place), is accepted, and assuming I can sell this place for the price I want, which is by no means certain.
So why am I sobbing my head off?
Viewers please note: As of Saturday, Dec. 5/09 Goddesschess may be briefly offline while connecting with a new ISP account. Please be patient while this transfer takes effect. Your current bookmarks and favourites may also need refreshing afterwards, although the address will remain secure.
If necessary, further details will be made available here.
Many thanks for your continued support!
Now I'm off house hunting...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
1st ACP Women World Rapid Cup
Final standings:
Rank SNo. Name Rtg FED Pts. SB
1 1 GM Kosteniuk Alexandra 2517 RUS 10 48,50
2 11 IM Cmilyte Viktorija 2480 LTU 8 37,00
3 5 GM Kosintseva Tatiana 2522 RUS 7½ 34,75
4 6 GM Cramling Pia 2525 SWE 7 34,50
5 12 GM Socko Monika 2457 POL 7 27,50
6 4 IM Kosintseva Nadezhda 2518 RUS 6½ 26,25
7 2 WGM Zhukova Natalia 2465 UKR 5½ 20,75
8 8 WIM Yildiz Betul Cemre 2213 TUR 4 16,00
9 7 IM Klinova Masha 2305 ISR 4 15,00
10 10 IM Javakhishvili Lela 2482 GEO 3½ 12,75
11 9 WIM Ozturk Kubra 2177 TUR 3 9,00
12 3 Menzi Nezihe Ezgi 1847 TUR 0 0,00
Congratulations to GM Kosteniuk for her fine performance in this inaugural event. She's been on the road a lot the past couple of months and I'm happy she'll be home for Christmas!
The Turkish Chess Federation is to be commended for aggressively seeking to bid on women's events and promote chess for women within Turkey. Intellectual challenge and accomplishment are not limited by one's gender.
November 30 - December 4, 2009
Sponsored by the Association of Chess Professionals (ACP) and the Turkish Chess Federation
Total prizes: $20,000
Winner USD 5,000
2nd place USD 4,000
3rd place USD 3,000
4th place USD 2,000
5th place USD 1,500
6th place USD 1,000
7th place USD 800
8th place USD 700
9-12 places, each USD 500
BNbank Blitz 2009
An extragavanza put on to showcase Carlsen.
BNbank Blitz GpA Oslo (NOR), 28 xi 2009
cat. IX (2453)
1. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2801 5½/6 2737
2. Cmilyte, Viktorija m LTU 2480 4 2568
3. Socko, Monika g POL 2457 2 2326
4. Hansen, Pal Andreas NOR 2072 ½ 2178
A nice performance by Cmilyte, who is now playing in the First ACP Women's Rapid Cup in Konya, Turkey.
Famous Beauty Dies From Complications of Plastic Surgery

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Northwest China Had Bronze Production Early On

In a desert, there would have been no wood. The most obvious answer seems to be that the people who became the mummies were there and were buried before the area became a desert. But then, how did they become mummies? As I understand it, the current theory says that the mummies were naturally dessicated by the sere surroundings. It would have been a process akin to what happened to bodies buried in the sand in pre-dynastic Egypt, before elaborate embalming and mummification rituals were created.

You can trace out the ancient northern route of the Silk Road by following the towns: Turpan, Korla, Urumchi, Kuqa, Aksa, Kashgar. Between the northern route and the southern route (which was a killer, with water stops few and far between, but the shorter route), a vast nothingness, quite visible even today on the modern maps.
This article, which presents important information about the early history of bronze smelting in Gansu Province in northwest of China, also indicates that research reveals that the climate once supported trees and farming, and that the people only left after the destruction of all of the trees, when the land turned to desert (I envision a process akin to what caused the Dust Bowl in the 1930's in the USA).
The ancient gateway city of Dunhuang, on the famed Silk Road (c. 200 BCE - 220 CE), which was travelled some 2000 years after the mummies of Urumchi were buried and 3000 years after the Beauty of Loulan was buried, was the last stop for travelers westward to stock up on supplies before venturing forth across the vast horrible stretch of the Taklamakan Desert. It is located on the western border of Ganshu Province.
China had bronze early on
Thursday, 03 December 2009
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
ANSTO research has shown that an area of desert in north-western China was once a thriving Bronze Age manufacturing and agricultural site. The new findings may help shed light on the origins and development of the earliest applications of Bronze Age technology.
Dating, using ANSTO’s precision techniques, was used to identify the age of seeds, slag, copper ore and charcoal at two sites. The findings show the material is up to 3700 years old, but that smelting was still being carried out as recently as 1300 years ago.
The research indicates bronze production may have begun as early as 2135 BC and that the modern mine location - Baishantang at Dingxin - was possibly the historical source of copper ore for manufacturing. ANSTO’s Professor John Dodson conducted the research in conjunction with scientists from the State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology in China. A photo of the study site is on the November issue of the journal “Quaternary Research”.
“This research takes us a step closer to discovering the origins and development of bronze manufacturing in China,” said Professor Dodson. “Further research will look at whether bronze technology was invented in several places around the world independently, or whether the technology was transferred from a single centre of origin.”
“The aim of the study was to determine possible sources of ore and evidence of bronze production through analysis of artefacts (with copper and arsenic content) including analysing samples of slag and copper ore from two archaeological sites known as Ganggangwa and Huoshiliang in northwestern Gansu Province,“ he said.
The research used lead and strontium isotopic analysis to identify and age ornaments, knives, rings, hemispherical objects and spearheads.
The team discovered substantial areas of woody vegetation around the sites which is now dominated by sand dunes. The Bronze Age people of the Gansu area were farmers who planted cereals such as wheat and practiced animal husbandry. Horse and sheep bones are common. It is believed they may have abandoned the region when wood was exhausted and desertification took over.
Southwest Chess Club: Upcoming Events
Holiday Hootenanny High-Speed Swiss: December 3 & 10
4-Round Swiss in One Section. Two games per night. Game/45 minutes. USCF (dual) Rated. EF: $5.
One ½-Point Bye Available for any round (except round four) if requested at least 2-days prior to round). TD is Fogec (; ATDs Becker & Grochowski.
Note: The games will start promptly at 7:00 (with the 2nd round starting around 8:30; games will conclude by about 10:15 pm).
Follow this tournament on the SWCC blog.
Visit the SWCC website for a complete calendar of events.
Some upcoming events:
Casual Chess, food and socializing. No entry fee!
Ice on Lake Michigan Swiss: January 7, 14, & 21
3-Round Swiss in Two Sections (Open and U1600).Game/100 minutes. USCF Rated. EF: $5. (One ½-PointBye Available for any round (except round three) if requestedat least 2-days prior to round). TD is Grochowski; ATD isFogec.
Ice Storming Swift Swiss: January 28
3-Round Swiss in Two Sections (G/30 Minutes and G/29Minutes). USCF Rated. EF: $5. (½-Point Bye available for only first round if requested prior to round) TD isBecker; ATD is Grochowski.
This is a great way to work through our Wisconsin Winter! Spring will be here before we know it. And with the spring comes the Hales Corners Chess Challenge XII!
Goddesschess will once again be sponsoring prizes for the chess femmes for this fantastic twice-yearly event that has quickly become a spring and autumn tradition in southeast Wisconsin. We will be implementing an entirely new prize structure that we hope will encourage all of the femmes who have played in the Reserve section in prior HCCC to register and play in the Open. As an additional incentive, Goddesschess will pay the entry fee to HCCC XIII for the top female finisher in each section. Stay tuned for further details as we get closer to the tournament date.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Storm God

Does the Punishment Fit the Crime?
From The Durango Herald
2 plead guilty to theft of artifacts
Herald Staff Report
Article Last Updated; Tuesday, December 01, 2009 12:00AM
A Cortez man and a woman from CaƱon City have pleaded guilty to illegally collecting archaeological artifacts in Canyon of the Ancients National Monument west of Cortez.
Preston Waggoner and Dawn Laate were banned from entering the national monument for a year and each fined $2,500.
All but $500 of their fines will be suspended if they comply with the order and write a letter of apology to educate the public about the importance of leaving artifacts where they're found.
Each has written the required letter, she on Nov. 18, he on Nov. 27.
The Bureau of Land Management, which manages Canyon of the Ancients, was notified Aug. 18 that two people were picking up artifacts on BLM land adjacent to Lowry Pueblo, a complex with standing walls and more than 40 rooms.
A BLM ranger, who found Waggoner and Laate with numerous artifacts that they had picked up from the ground, confiscated the pieces for evidence. They were cited for misdemeanors and ordered to appear in U.S. District Court in Durango, where they pleaded guilty to violating the Archaeological Resource Protection Act.
They were sentenced Nov. 10.
. . .
The archaeological protection act dating from 1979 prohibits excavation, removal, damaging, alteration or defacing of artifacts on public land without a permit. A misdemeanor offense can bring a maximum $10,000 fine and up to a year in jail. A felony violation can result in as much as a $20,000 fine and up to two years in prison. A subsequent similar offense can be punished with a fine of up to $100,000 and imprisonment of not more than five years.
Anyone who collects archeological artifacts from the ground also can be charged under the Code of Federal Regulations. The violation is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and one year in jail.
Canyon of the Ancients National Monument, part of the BLM's National Landscape Conservation System, contains 6,000 recorded archaeological sites representing ancestral Puebloan, Native American and Anglo cultures.
I believe that it is vitally important, not only for the present, but for our future as a nation of immigrants, to preserve as much as we can of the precious relics of the past (that from 50,000 years ago and that from 50 years ago), to pass on not only to those who come after us but also as a testament for the entire world. We can do better to preserve our collective heritage in the USA.
The Incredible Blooming Geraniums
Monday, November 30, 2009
Horse and Rider

"Old Europe" Cultures on Display in New York

copper age settlement in Bulgaria,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Dove in Symbolism

Worn Out!
Hola! I continue to work to exhaustion preparing the house for sale. Hopefully the last of Kevin the Handyman's tasks will be finished on Monday (we'll see). He added another coat of drywall mud to the various drywall repairs and patches he did and on Monday, hopefully, he'll be able to sand what needs to be sanded and prime with "sand" texture primer. Mr. Don doesn't know it yet, but when he arrives for Christmas I'll be putting him to work painting!
Kevin also has to finish the fence repair work. He has straightened out and stablized all of the leaning posts with metal reinforcing bars and has stripped off the broken and/or worn pickets. Now he has to put on the new pickets and also replace several post tops that have seen better days.
He has to rehang a repaired corner door on one of my kitchen cabinets and then, the only thing left is to install a new range hood. Alas, I haven't purchased the replacement yet. But I will get to it soon -
After Kevin left on Friday, about 2:30 in the afternoon I succumbed to temporary insanity and decided to put my bedroom from the north bedroom back to the much larger and freshly painted south bedroom, which was my original room that had been painted pink for 19 plus years until Kevin came to my rescue and did the job for me that I never got around to doing, with paint that I had purchased more than a year ago! The plan was to moved my mirrored six-drawer dresser from the north bedroom and the bed from the middle bedroom (which had been serving as the guest room) back to the south bedroom, where those pieces would join the orphaned night stand and chest of drawers; all would be en suite once again!
Part 2 of the plan was to move the "new" dresser from the middle bedroom into the north bedroom, which would become the guest room (which it used to be before I switched everything around in preparation for painting that I never got around to doing). A swap-out of art work on the walls, window treatments and rugs would take place.
Part 3 was to move the computer and three overflowing bookcases from the south bedroom back to their original home, the middle bedroom, and work on getting the wireless connection on my PC going again.
I was happily huffing and puffing along, taking my time and getting a good work-out. I'd managed to wrestle the mattresses off the beds and the box springs too. I'd got the bedframe and headboard for my bed moved into the south bedroom. My dresser had been emptied of its drawers and had been shoved all the way from the north bedroom into the hall, turned and shoved into the south bedroom and then shoved into place along the wall. And then the phone rang. It was my broker. Could they do a showing on Saturday between 12 and 1 p.m.? I should have screamed NO - NO MORE SHOWINGS UNTIL AFTER JANUARY 1. But I was temporarily insane and so I said sure, I'll the rooms swapped out and ready by then.
And so, what had begun as a leisurely way to get a good workout turned into a frantic rush to get the rooms switched around and presentable before noon the next day. I worked in 15 minute bursts with 2-3 minute rest periods in-between and got all major furniture pieces moved. There were important exceptions. First, I decided to pack up several of my old paperback books and clear shelf space for future purchases of research tomes. I packed three medium-size boxes and hauled them down to the garage. The rest of the stuff residing on those bookcases were stacked in piles on the bedroom floor and then I heaved each of the three bookcases into the middle bedroom. Second, although I emptied the new dresser of its drawers, I could not move it without removing the mirror (that had almost killed me when I'd moved it the last time as its weight came crashing down on me after I'd removed the last of four bolts fastening it to the back of the dresser) - given my prior experience I was not about to attempt that feat again, even while temporarily insane! But Kevin was coming the next day (Saturday), and I was going to draft him for assistance.
I collapsed into my newly-located bed about 11:00 p.m.
I awoke about 3:30 a.m. experiencing symptoms of what I can only describe as an anxiety attack. NOT pleasant. I took a blood pressure pill about 3 hours early and stretched out in the recliner in the family room (a favorite relaxing spot) and engaged in various mental exercises to calm my poor body down. It worked - sort of. I fell asleep with heartbeat still above normal but not frantically racing as it had been. I awoke about 7:15 a.m. - EEK! I was late! I'd meant to get up at 6 a.m. - but my clock radio alarm didn't reach my ears downstairs. I hit the ground running and didn't stop until my friend Ann picked me up shortly before noon, right after Kevin left the house (he arrived shortly after 10:00 a.m.)
The rearranging of bedrooms and den/library was mostly finished! Kevin made short work of taking the mirror off of the new dresser, manhandling it into the north bedroom along the south wall and reattaching the mirror with a nifty little ratchet wrench (I've got to get me a set of those). I made up the bed, hung curtains, scoured out toilets and sinks, swept and vacuumed the ever-present drywall dust.
I had time to change my shirt, brush my hair and slap some foundation on in a fruitless attempt to tone down my beet-red face, and then Ann and I were off to check out several hours I had on my list of prospects.
Fortunately, the rest of the day was much more relaxing and fun. It is a blessing to have good friends.
So - two viewings and no offers. I have received zero feedback from my broker. I don't care. I'm sure in this buyer's market there is a long list of what "potential" buyers don't like about Maison Newton (yard too big, too many trees too close to the house, mechanicals too old, appliances ready for the junk heap, roof too old, kitchen/dinette flooring too old, carpeting too old), etc. etc. I have no intention of buying new appliances, installing new flooring (other than the upstairs bathroom, which was all of 46 square feet, and replacement was planned before the house went on the market), new carpeting, new roof, and a new furnace and AC unit. I do not have to sell, and if this place doesn't go on my terms, I will happily go back to Plan A. And THEN, I will get new appliances, new flooring, new carpeting, top-notch rather than cut-rate and efficient "new" mechanicals and a new 25-year architectral style shingled roof!
And I'll get quotes from Kevin the Handyman about doing crown moldings in some of the rooms and built-in shelving/bookcases!
I'll post pics tomorrow. I took several of the new bathroom, only to discover that I did not have the memory card installed, and I'm too tired to re-take them tonight.
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