Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tongan Rock Carvings Discovered
Ancient Tongan rock carvings may offer clues to voyagers
Sat, 31 Jan 2009 10:06a.m.
Discovery of over 50 ancient rock engravings in Tonga, may shed some light on the pre-Polynesian Lapita peoples who voyaged across the Pacific.
The petroglyphs, including stylised images of people and animals, were found emerging from beach sand at the northern end of Foa island, late last year, the Matangi Tonga newspaper reported.
Artist Shane Egan called in archaeologist Professor David Burley, from the Simon Fraser University in Canada, to investigate and document the site.
"The site on Foa Island is an amazing piece of artwork, with over 50 engraved images. Having an average height of 20 to 30cm (some much larger) there are very nicely stylised images of men and women, turtles, dogs, a bird, a lizard, as well as footprints and some weird exotic combinations," said Egan.
He thought the images were close in form to some found in ancient Hawaii and dated to between 1200 and 1500AD.
If similar dating was found for the latest carvings, it would raise a question about direct long distance voyages between Tonga and Hawaii in that era.
The Foa rock engravings are on two large slabs of fixed beach-rock that were apparently exposed by erosion.
The rock engravings were first sighted by visiting friends Richard Whelan and Janelle Johnston from Melbourne. Tonga's previously reported rock art has been limited to simple geometric engravings, though there is also a single engraved outline of a foot on a stone at a royal tomb.
Petroglyphs have been found throughout eastern Polynesia, especially in the Marquesas, Tahiti and Hawaii.
Decorating Redux...Etc.
Really Funny Chess Scene
I've never heard of the movie Embryo (starring Rock Hudson as a mad scientist?) - but this scene of the perfect woman (Barbara Carrera) created by Dr. Rock playing chess against super a-hole Roddy McDowell is a classic. Please check out the video!
All Babies Are Born Unique
Hear hear! Anyone who has had any exposure to an infant (a brother, a sister, a child of an older relative, or one's own baby) knows that this is absolutely true. A baby comes out of the mother's womb utterly and absolutely unique, and stays unique for the rest of her or his life.
Despite what 'experts' may say, all babies born unique
By James Dobson • January 31, 2009
Dear Dr. Dobson: I was taught in my psych class that babies come into the world devoid of personality, and the environment then stamps its image. Do you disagree?
Dr. Dobson: Philosophers Locke and Rousseau told us in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that babies came into the world as "tabula rasas," or "blank slates," upon which society and the environment wrote the fundamentals of personality. But they were wrong. We now know that every newborn is unique from every other baby, even from the first moments outside the womb. Except for identical twins, triplets, etc., no two are alike in biochemistry or genetics.
How foolish of philosophers and behavioral scientists to have thought otherwise. If God makes every grain of sand unique and every snowflake like no other, how simplistic to have believed that He mass-produces little human robots. That is nonsense. We are, after all, made in His image.
Just ask the real experts -- the mothers who understand their babies better than anyone. They'll tell you that each of their infants had a different "feel," -- a different personality -- from the first moment they were held. If these mothers are eventually blessed with six or eight or even twenty children, they will continue to say emphatically that every one of them was unique and distinct from the others when only one hour old. They are right -- and their perceptions are being confirmed by scientific inquiry.
Dear Dr. Dobson: What else does research tell us about the personalities of newborns?
Dr. Dobson: One of the most ambitious studies yet conducted took a period of three decades to complete. That investigation is known in professional literature as the New York Longitudinal Study. The findings from this investigation, led by psychiatrists Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas, were reported in their excellent book for parents entitled, "Know Your Child."
Chess and Thomas found that babies not only differ significantly from one another at the moment of birth, but those differences tend to be rather persistent throughout childhood. Even more interestingly, they observed three broad categories or patterns of temperaments into which the majority of children can be classified. First, they referred to "the difficult child," who is characterized by negative reactions to people, intense mood swings, irregular sleep patterns and feeding schedules, frequent periods of crying and violent tantrums when frustrated.
Does that sound familiar? I described those individuals many years ago as "strong-willed" children.
The second pattern is called "the easy child," who manifests a positive approach to people, quiet adaptability to new situations, regular sleep pattern and feeding schedules, and a willingness to accept the rules of the game. The authors concluded, "Such a youngster is usually a joy to his or her parents, pediatrician and teachers." Amen.
My term for the easy child is "compliant."
The third category was given the title "slow-to-warm-up" or "shy." These youngsters respond negatively to new situations and they adapt slowly. However, they are less intense than difficult children, and they tend to have regular sleeping and feeding schedules. When they are upset or frustrated, they typically withdraw from the situation and react mildly, rather than explode with anger and rebellion.
Not every child fits into one of these categories, of course, but approximately 65 percent do. Drs. Chess and Thomas also emphasized that babies are fully human at birth, being able immediately to relate to their parents and learn from their environments. I doubt if that news will come as a surprise to most mothers, who never believed in the "blank slate" theory, anyway.
It should not be difficult to understand why these findings from longitudinal research have been exciting to me. They confirm my own clinical observations, not only about the wonderful complexity of human beings, but also about the categories of temperament identified by Drs. Chess and Thomas.
Lots of Chess for Girls
Upcoming National Events for girls only or with girls-only events (in date order). Hooray! We need more and more and more events like this to keep girls excited about playing chess. For further information, please click on the links:
Fourth Annual Susan Polgar Open CHALLENGE for Girls
Part of the Susan Polgar National Open for Girls and Boys
February 13 - 16, 2009
Glendale, Arizona
The Sixth Annual All-Girls Open National Championships
by Kasparov Chess Foundation
April 24 - 26, 2009
Dallas Texas
Special appearance by 2008 U.S. Women's Chess Champion IM Anna Zatonskih (per ad in February, 2009 print edition of Chess Life Magazine)
Susan Polgar World Open Chess Championship for Girls
Part of the Las Vegas International Chess Festival
June 6 - 7, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Friday, January 30, 2009
Honky Tonk Angels
Oy! Three Goddesses of Country Music. This song brings back memories - mostly of Kitty Wells and her great hit "Honky Tonk Angel," which my dad played over and over and over until the 45 rpm record wore out (mom was an Elvis fan and I learned how to bob to "Aint Nothin But a Hound Dog").
Lo and behold, while checking out for Linda Ronstadt videos, I came across this gem, teaming up a young Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn and Tammy Wynette singing "Silver Threads and Golden Needles," an enduring classic that has been fronted by I don't know how many stars and not-so-stars! Cuz the words of the song are true, darlin's, and that's all I'm gonna say...
Please check out the video - and watch for Gene Simmons in an hilarious cameo, along with many of the greats of rock and roll, rock-a-billy, and country-western.
13th Century BCE Twenty Squares Game Board

Where Were You 40 Years Ago Today?

Canada's Stonehenge?
Story from the
The Canadian Press
January 29, 2009 at 3:54 PM EST
EDMONTON — An academic maverick is challenging conventional wisdom on Canada's prehistory by claiming an archeological site in southern Alberta is really a vast, open-air sun temple with a precise 5,000-year-old calendar predating England's Stonehenge and Egypt's pyramids.
Mainstream archeologists consider the rock-encircled cairn to be just another medicine wheel left behind by early aboriginals. But a new book by retired University of Alberta professor Gordon Freeman says it is in fact the centre of a 26-square-kilometre stone “lacework” that marks the changing seasons and the phases of the moon with greater accuracy than our current calendar.
“Genius existed on the prairies 5,000 years ago,” says Mr. Freeman, the widely published former head of the university's physical and theoretical chemistry department.
Mr. Freeman's fascination with prairie prehistory dates back to his Saskatchewan boyhood. He and his father would comb the short grasses of the plains in search of artifacts exposed by the scouring wind. That curiosity never left him and he returned to it as he prepared to retire from active teaching.
Looking for a hobby, he asked a friend with an interest in history to suggest a few intriguing sites to visit. On a warm late-August day in 1980, that list drew him to what he has come to call Canada's Stonehenge, which is also the title of his book.
A central cairn atop one of a series of low hills overlooking the Bow River, about 70 kilometres east of Calgary, had been partially excavated in 1971 and dated at about 5,000 years old. But as he approached it, Freeman strongly felt there was much more there than previously thought.
“As we walked toward the hilltop, I saw all kinds of patterns in the rocks on the way up. As I walked around the hilltop, I could see patterns that I doubted very much were accidental.”
Mr. Freeman photographed what he saw and showed the images to archeologists. They told him the rocks, some of which weigh up to a tonne, had been randomly distributed by melting glaciers.
But those rocks and rock piles, Mr. Freeman said, had been “highly engineered,” shimmied and balanced and wedged in ways he couldn't believe were natural. And so began a magnificent obsession — 28 years of photographing the site in summer and winter, observing the alignment of rocks and how they coincided with the recurring patterns of sun, moon and stars.
Mr. Freeman estimates he and his wife Phyllis have spent a total of seven months living at the site. Twelve thousand photographs with precise times and dates are neatly catalogued in his files.
What he found:
The central cairn is surrounded by 28 radiating stone lines, four of which align with the cardinal points of the compass. Those lines are encircled by another ring of stones.
A few metres away lies a stone semicircle, with a large stone between it and the central cairn. The left edge of the semicircle lines up with both the central stone and the right edge of the cairn, and vice versa.
To Mr. Freeman, those features represent the sun, the crescent moon and the morning star.
As well, there are secondary cairns on nearby hills and rock assemblages that seem to correspond to constellations.
And after years of rising before dawn, in all seasons and weather, to carefully photograph the positions of the sun, Mr. Freeman found the rocks once thought to be simply strewn across the prairie instead mark the progression of the year with uncanny accuracy.
The rising and setting sun on both the longest and shortest days of the year lines up precisely with V-shaped sights in the temple's rocks. The spring and autumn equinoxes, when day and night are equal, are similarly marked. They are not the equinoxes of the Gregorian calendar currently used, however, but the true astronomical equinoxes.
Mr. Freeman is convinced the temple contains a lunar calendar as well, because the 28 rays radiating from the central cairn correspond to the length of the lunar cycle.
“I thought I would complete that study in a couple years,” says Mr. Freeman, a laughing, vigorous 78. “Twenty-eight years later we're still making discoveries.”
Mainstream archeology hasn't been exactly welcoming. Despite being highly regarded in his own field, Mr. Freeman says journals have rejected his papers and conferences have denied him a platform.
Professionals in any field resist interlopers from other disciplines and archeology is no exception, he says. But he suggests conventional wisdom can restrict insight.
“If you have preconceptions, you're never going to discover anything.”
Although he hasn't read Canada's Stonehenge, University of Alberta archeologist Jack Ives is familiar with Mr. Freeman's theories.
He says recent research suggests some astronomical knowledge developed in Central and South America flowed north to the plains, where it was adapted by people for their own purposes.
“There is some basis for thinking there was sophisticated astronomical knowledge,” says Mr. Ives.
But what exactly is manifested in the medicine wheels?
“They may certainly reflect solstices and equinoxes. How much more sophisticated beyond that has been a subject of debate.”
But Mr. Ives points out the terrain in question is an ancient glacial moraine, full of naturally occurring rocks.
“You have to be very careful about what you line up.”
Mr. Freeman, however, is convinced. He looks forward to the academic debate to come.
“I know my song well before I sing it,” he says, quoting Bob Dylan.
Meanwhile, Mr. Freeman hopes to use any publicity generated by his book to push for preservation of the site. Part of it is privately owned, but most is Crown land and open to both the energy industry and casual, possibly destructive, visitors.
“The place is so far away from anything that it's not adequately protected.”
Mr. Freeman is a man of science, trained to trust hard data and believe evidence over sensation. But after 28 years unravelling a message in mute stones, the wind in his hair and the sun on his face, absorbed in ancient mysteries, the site has come to evoke in him something akin to reverence.
“I can go down there with a headache and within a day everything is gone. It's just like a cure. There is something down there. I just don't know how to describe it.
“I just feel very comfortable there. I just feel comfortable.”
2009 Gibraltar
a/k/a 2009 Gibtelecom Chess Festival
Chess femme standings after Round 4:
Rank Name Flags Score Fed. Rating TPR W-We 1 2 3 4 5
9 GM Dzagnidze, Nana w 3.5 GEO 2518 2773 +1.17 1 1 1 ½
16 GM Stefanova, Antoaneta w 3.0 BUL 2557 2596 +0.23 1 1 0 1
17 GM Cramling, Pia w 3.0 SWE 2548 2449 -0.37 0 1 1 1
26 IM Zatonskih, Anna w 3.0 USA 2462 2498 +0.24 1 0 1 1
29 IM Houska, Jovanka w 3.0 ENG 2392 2577 +0.97 ½ 1 ½ 1
30 WGM Calzetta, Monica w 3.0 ESP 2371 2438 +0.41 0 1 1 1
46 IM Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan w 2.5 SCO 2500 2422 -0.29 1 0 1 ½
47 IM Cmilyte, Viktorija w 2.5 LTU 2497 2413 -0.33 ½ 1 1 0
50 IM Krush, Irina w 2.5 USA 2457 2494 +0.27 1 ½ 0 1
51 GM Socko, Monika w 2.5 POL 2449 2382 -0.26 1 0 1 ½
53 IM Sachdev, Tania w 2.5 IND 2435 2372 -0.26 1 0 1 ½
80 IM Klinova, Masha w 2.0 ISR 2328 2188 -0.66 0 1 ½ ½
130 WIM Tsifanskaya, Ludmila A w 1.5 ISR 2149 2108 -0.31 ½ 0 1 0
149 Haug, Marianne Wold w 1.5 NOR 1935 2076 +0.64 ½ ½ 0 ½
151 Carlsen, Ellen Oen w 1.5 NOR 1888 2100 +0.88 1 0 ½ 0
152 Chidi, Lovinia Sylvia 1.5 GER 0 2013 2013 0 1 0 ½
2009 Corus Update
Standings after Round 11:
Group B:
1. N. Short 7½
2. F. Caruana, R. Kasimdzhanov 7
4. A. Volokitin, A. Motylev, F. Vallejo Pons 6½
7. D. Navara 6
8. Z. Efimenko 5½
9. D. Reinderman, E. l'Ami 5
11. Y. Hou 4½
12. H. Mecking, J. Werle 3½
14. K. Sasikiran 3
Group C:
1. W. So 8
2. T. Hillarp Persson 7½
3. A. Giri 7
4. D. Howell, F. Holzke 6
6. A. Gupta, D. Harika, M. Bosboom 5½
9. M. Leon Hoyos 5
10. F. Nijboer, E. Iturrizaga, A. Bitalzadeh, R. Pruijssers 4½
14. O. Romanishin 3
Wow - young chess dudes Caruana and So are showing people how it's done! I'm also - frankly - amazed and pleased with Nigel Short's resurgence over the past year or so - at one time I thought he was an also ran but Short's play (and results) have shown either a grim determination to make it back into the elite ranks, or a renewed love of and fire for playing chess, and maybe both.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Leslie Ugghams to Play Lena Horne
Ohmygoddess! I grew up with Leslie Uggams - watching her on the Mitch Miller show every week singing (I remember her sitting in a swing a lot). I thought she had a wonderful voice and was beautiful. I didn't care what color she was, it never occurred to me that it mattered.
Now, here is Uggams, playing Lena Horne in a play. Not too long ago I found myself wondering whatever happened to Leslie Uggams - now I know.
Leslie Uggams captures essence of Lena Horne in California stage show
By GREG BRAXTON Los Angeles Times
Published: Thursday, January 29, 2009
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. - Leslie Uggams and Lena Horne have crossed paths only a few times. But Uggams feels that the force and power of the iconic singer have always been a part of her.
"Lena was a goddess in my house - my mother played her records all the time, and I was always moved by how beautiful and classy she was," Uggams says. "When I was doing my nightclub act at the Coconut Grove in 1965, she pinned me as a Delta - we both belong to Delta Sigma Theta. I've always felt like she's been so close to me."
The two are more than sorority sisters-in-arms. With successful careers spanning at least five decades, Horne and Uggams have been celebrated for their striking beauty and silky smooth voices. Their popularity grew as they broke through barriers for black performers. Horne was one of Hollywood's first black female beauty icons while Uggams became the first black woman to host a network musical-variety show (CBS' "The Leslie Uggams Show" in 1969).
Both also ran headlong into racist forces that threatened to derail their careers, and both sparked furors when they married white men.
In recent years, Horne, 91, has withdrawn from public view while Uggams, 65, has kept busy - she starred opposite James Earl Jones in 2005 on Broadway in "On Golden Pond" and just completed a revival of "The First Breeze of Summer" at New York's Signature Theatre Company. Now, more than four decades after she was pinned by Horne, Uggams is putting her own distinctive stamp on her idol.
Uggams portrays Horne in "Stormy Weather," a new musical biography at the Pasadena Playhouse that producers hope will find its way to Broadway. The play, which ends March 1, chronicles Horne commenting on her life while observing a younger version of herself, played by Nikki Crawford.
The show has the same title as the classic Harold Arlen torch song that became Horne's signature (she sang it in the 1943 film of the same name). Suggested by Leslie Palmer's biography "Lena Horne, Entertainer," the title also reflects Horne's celebrated-but-tumultuous life and career.
Although Horne appeared in '40s musicals such as "Ziegfeld Follies," "Till the Clouds Roll By" and "Thousands Cheer," she encountered race-related obstacles in Hollywood. Often, she had to film stand-alone scenes that could be deleted easily for screenings in the then-Jim Crow South. Her most prominent roles were in all-black musicals such as "Stormy Weather" and "Cabin in the Sky."
That darker side of history is the backdrop for musical numbers in the new "Stormy Weather," which includes songs by Arlen and Johnny Mercer, Cole Porter, Rodgers and Hart, and Jerome Kern.
"We're dealing with a woman facing a crossroads when doing the one thing she lives for - to entertain - becomes too painful," said Michael Bush, the former director of artistic production for New York's Manhattan Theatre Club, who is directing "Stormy Weather." "She proceeds to shut down. How much can she sing if she shuts down?"
The forces behind the production feel that the inauguration of President Barack Obama offers a prime opportunity to present Horne's legacy to a younger, more politically aware generation.
"This is a true story for our times," producer Stewart Lane said. "We're honoring a light-skinned woman making it during the racially charged '40s, '50s and '60s. People like her laid the groundwork for Barack Obama."
Enhancing the relevance of the project, say producers, is the star power of Uggams, who won a Tony Award in 1968 for best actress in a musical for "Hallelujah, Baby!"
She started her career at 6 in the TV series "Beulah" and is perhaps best known for her searing portrayal of the slave Kizzy in the landmark 1977 miniseries "Roots," which earned her numerous accolades, including an Emmy Award nomination.
The Horne-Uggams connection makes for a more powerful theatrical experience, said Sheldon Epps, artistic director of the Pasadena Playhouse: "There is a deeper reward for the audience with the synchronicity between the actress and the character. The opening number is Lena in concert. There's this richness of being reminded of the magic of Lena, but there's also this incredible richness in seeing Leslie."
In the same way that Lena in her later years had a greater amount of star quality and experience, Leslie does the same thing."
Uggams' big break came as a teenager, when record producer Mitch Miller in 1961 cast her in "Sing Along With Mitch," a variety series dominated by peppy tunes, with a ball bouncing over on-screen lyrics.
Uggams said she didn't learn until many years later that Miller had been under pressure by stations in the South to get rid of her or have her sing separately from the rest of the cast so she could be cut out of episodes.
"Yes there are some parallels, but this is really all about Lena," says Uggams, adding, "I'm not doing a copy of Lena. There is only one Lena Horne. But I'm bringing the essence of Lena."
"Stormy Weather" is the second time in two years that the Pasadena Playhouse has featured a musical production built around a showbiz icon. "Ray Charles Live! A New Musical," which producers still hope will make it to Broadway, drew flak from several children of the late singer who objected that it highlighted Charles' infidelity and other negative aspects.
Controversy has no place in "Stormy Weather," said Uggams. "This is really a love letter to (Horne), a valentine. We are here to celebrate her. I wouldn't have done it if it were anything else. I'm very comfortable in the story we're telling."
But Horne is not taking an official position on the project. Although she is aware of "Stormy Weather" and has given it her blessing," the entertainer, who lives in New York, is keeping a respectful distance from the project, conceived and written by Sharleen Cooper Cohen ("Sheba" and the upcoming musical "Officer," based on the film "An Officer and a Gentleman").
Said Uggams, "Sharleen got in touch with Lena early on and asked if she wanted to be a part of this. Lena's response was, 'I lived it!' So that was the end of that."
During a recent rehearsal at a Burbank studio, Uggams, dressed in a pink, hooded sweatshirt, seemed focused as she went through her lines. She appeared to internalize some of the tenseness expressed by director Bush, as he wrestled with blocking some of the performers.
But Bush relaxed as he sat back to watch Uggams sing the opening number as Lena. "I absolutely adore Leslie," he said. "She's a fantastic actress. No one works harder in this room than she does."
Uggams, who has been married to Australian businessman Grahame Pratt since 1965, said taking on the role has consumed her.
"I have no life off the stage," she said with a loud laugh. "I have to save all my strength for the show. There's no hanging out. I have to eat at certain times so my voice will stay strong. But for Lena, it's worth it. I am so primed for this."
2009 U.S. Women's Chess Championship
The Main Event - the U.S. Chess Championship 2009:
Two dozen chess players will compete for more than $130,000 in prize money May 7-17 at the Central West End chess club. Competitors will include the top 12 American players, the top two American female players, the 2008 U.S. Junior Closed Champion, the 2008 U.S. Open Champion and the 2009 U.S. State Champion of Champions. There will also be seven wild card spots.(from St. Louis, story from St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1/28/09 by Greg Jonsson)
At the moment, the top two female players in the US are
1 Krush, Irina (12543137) NY USA 2474
2 Zatonskih, Anna (12873912) NY USA 2472
Does this mean that the ladies will get a second kick at the cat by being able to play in the U.S. Women's Championship that will be held "later" this year?
It seems so - this is from an announcement by the St. Louis Chess Club and Scholastic Center about being awarded the hosting for the 2009 USWCC:
Invitations will be sent to the top 10 U.S. women by their rating. The championship will have a purse of $64,000.
Should they accept their invitations to both events, Krush and Zatonskih have a chance of earning prize money in the USWCC in addition to winning prizes in the "other" U.S. Chess Championship. As Krush and Zatonskih finished 2nd and 1st in last year's USWCC, it's a pretty good bet they will be at or near the top positions in this year's USWCC and win some nice prizes out of that event's $64,000 purse.
Seems to me we went through this just a few years ago. I didn't think it was fair then that two female players received an opportunity to play in both tournaments, and I don't think it is fair now. In my opinion, the ladies should be required to pick one or the other event, but not be allowed to play in both.
By the way - any FIRM dates set yet?
Town of Twins?

Mummy's Face Reconstructed

2009 Gibraltar
a/k/a 7th Gibtelecom Chess Festival
Results for all chess femmes playing in the Masters' Section after Round 2:
Rank Name Flags Score Fed. M/F Rating TPR W-We 1 2 3
12 GM Stefanova, Antoaneta w 2.0 BUL F 2557 3064 +0.42 1 1
14 GM Dzagnidze, Nana w 2.0 GEO F 2518 2946 +0.29 1 1
30 IM Cmilyte, Viktorija w 1.5 LTU F 2497 2372 -0.23 ½ 1
34 IM Krush, Irina w 1.5 USA F 2457 2591 +0.38 1 ½
37 IM Houska, Jovanka w 1.5 ENG F 2392 2562 +0.46 ½ 1
50 GM Cramling, Pia w 1.0 SWE F 2548 2253 -0.69 0 1
55 IM Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan w 1.0 SCO F 2500 2448 -0.10 1 0
57 IM Zatonskih, Anna w 1.0 USA F 2462 2417 -0.10 1 0
59 GM Socko, Monika w 1.0 POL F 2449 2402 -0.10 1 0
62 IM Sachdev, Tania w 1.0 IND F 2435 2380 -0.12 1 0
67 WGM Calzetta, Monica w 1.0 ESP F 2371 2339 -0.04 0 1
74 IM Klinova, Masha w 1.0 ISR F 2328 2299 -0.04 0 1
140 Haug, Marianne Wold w 1.0 NOR F 1935 2160 +0.56 ½ ½
142 Carlsen, Ellen Oen w 1.0 NOR F 1888 2161 +0.64 1 0
146 Chidi, Lovinia Sylvia 1.0 GER F 0 2068 +0.50 0 1
157 WIM Tsifanskaya, Ludmila A w 0.5 ISR F 2149 1961 -0.49 ½ 0
Corus 2009 Update
Group B standings after Round 10:
1. N. Short 6½
2. A. Volokitin, A. Motylev, D. Navara, F. Caruana, R. Kasimdzhanov 6
7. Z. Efimenko, F. Vallejo Pons 5½
9. E. l'Ami 5
10. Y. Hou, D. Reinderman 4
12. H. Mecking 3½
13. K. Sasikiran, J. Werle 3
Group C standings after Round 10:
1. T. Hillarp Persson 7½
2. W. So 7
3. A. Giri 6
4. D. Howell, A. Gupta, D. Harika, F. Holzke, M. Bosboom 5½
9. E. Iturrizaga 4½
10. M. Leon Hoyos 4
11. F. Nijboer, A. Bitalzadeh, R. Pruijssers 3½
14. O. Romanishin 3
According to this story (I read it at Susan Polgar's blog), Dronavalli could score a GM norm - that would be wonderful!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
World Chess News
Macauley Peterson over at the ICC Chess FM blog has an audio interview with the female contingent of five Swedish siblings (three sisters and two brothers) who together produce World Chess News that has been on the air for three years!
Then things are turned around and MP is himself interviewed by one of the charming sisters. MP in a suit is a sight to behold. I had no idea he was such a cutie :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Treasure Trove!

Chess Femme News
Hola Darlings!
I've done updating at Chess Femme News (about time!) You can find it by visiting Goddesschess and clicking on the Chess Femme News link on the left-hand navigation bar :)
Now that the redecorating phase is winding down, I will try to be more regular in updating CFN and report updates here. But I discovered last night, much to my horror (it woke me up about 3:20 a.m.) that I have a creature or creatures living just on the other side of my drywall on my bedroom wall! Well, you know full well where there is one creature, there are more. Drat and bloody dammit all to hell and back!
The mysterious leak (I do not believe I have mentioned this before) has also decided to widen itself out in the past few days. Drat and bloody dammit all to hell and back!
So, it seems I will be seeking out some kind of exterminator (CHA-CHING!) and some kind of plumber (SUPER DUPER CHA-CHING!)
Arrrgggghhhhh! Let me tell you, I feel absolutely awful even contemplating evicting the wall creatures from my home during this horrid winter. But I cannot have them infest the house. What if one eats through the drywall one night and lands PLOP right on my face in the middle of a dream about the office? (I'm talking about me, not the critter)... EGODDESS!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Chess Legends to Play at a Special Celebration

Troubles in Iran
Not that I regularly follow the news in the Tehran Times! But this story I came across today (quite by accident) was interesting. I wonder if these bandit-type dudes are Taliban. If they are, how absolutely, wonderfully ironic that Iran is having troubles with the Taliban! How absoutely horrid and awful for the families who lost those 10 policemen who were just doing their jobs.
Clashes kill 10 police in SE Iran
Date : Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Clashes between Iranian police and gunmen in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province have resulted in the deaths of ten officers.
Police officers engaged in clashes with gunmen near the city of Zahedan, the provincial capital, Sunday night.
Ten Iranian police officers were killed. There have been no reports yet on the number of casualties inflicted on the armed militants.
The armed confrontation resulted in injuries on both sides. The surviving gunmen escaped to Pakistan.
The southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan, which borders Afghanistan and Pakistan, has been the scene of battles between Iranian forces and drug and arms smugglers. Every year, Iran confiscates a large quantity of drugs and arms from smugglers and arrests or kills terrorists in the province.
(Source: Press TV)
Treasure Trove in The Netherlands!

Celtic Hoard Found in Netherlands
By Richard Giedroyc, World Coin News
January 26, 2009
Coins are often used as "index fossils" by archaeologists.
An index fossil is a fossil with which paleontologists are familiar that is also known to have lived during a specific time period and in a certain environment. For this reason an index fossil can help date an entire paleontological dig site. Coins found at archaeological dig sites can often help date the site, identify past trade routes, identify rulers, suggest political borders, and even suggest the level of technology available in the area. Due to inscriptions and iconography coins are often the only artifact found at an archaeological site that can "speak" to us.
On Nov. 13 an important find of 109 Celtic coins of the Eburones tribe found in the Netherlands was announced through the Associated Press. According to AP information, this is one of three important hoard finds of coins issued by this tribe. The other two finds, according to AP information, were discovered in Belgium and Germany in areas not too distant geographically from the Netherlands.
The most recent find was discovered by metal detector hobbyist Paul Curfs, who was sweeping a corn field in Maastricht, a city in the southern part of the Netherlands. Curfs is not a coin collector. He discovered the coins in the spring of 2008. The find is only now being announced publicly.
In the AP story Curfs described his find of the first coin, saying: "It was golden and had a little horse on it - I had no idea what I had found."
Curfs posted an image of the gold coin on the Internet on what is described as a web forum. Someone advised him the coin was rare. This prompted Curfs to return to the same field, where he next discovered a coin he described as, "It looked totally different - silver, and saucer-shaped."
By the time Curfs and several fellow hobbyists were done they had uncovered a total of 39 gold and 70 silver ancient Celtic coins. Curfs notified Maastricht city officials of the discovery, then worked with professional archaeologists to investigate the find site further.
Specific details important to coin collectors were not immediately available, however according to the AP story, "Nico Roymans, the archaeologist who led the academic investigation of the find, believes the gold coins in the cache were minted by a tribe called the Eburones that [Julius] Caesar claimed to have wiped out in 53 B.C. after they conspired with other groups in an attack that killed 6,000 Roman soldiers."
The Euburones were a Germanic tribe living primarily in what in now Belgium. In 54 BC the Eburones revolted against local Roman occupation through Euburones tribal chieftains Ambiorix and Catuvoleus. Ambiorix initially offered safe passage to the Romans while other tribes elsewhere in Gaul were in revolt against the Romans. The Romans, commanded by Quintus Titurius Sabinus and Lucius Aurunculeius Cotta, agreed. The Eburones treacherously ambushed the Romans, most of whom were killed or committed suicide rather than allow themselves to be captured by the Euburones.
By 49 BC Roman general Julius Caesar had crushed the revolt, defeating both Celts and Germanic tribes living in Gaul (Gaul being comprised of primarily of what is now modern France). Caesar then defied the Roman Senate by crossing the Rubicon River and marching on the city of Rome, crossing the Rubicon being considered treason since that river marked the northernmost boundary of the Roman Republic proper. By this act Caesar initiated a Roman civil war that would end the Roman Republic and usher in the Roman Empire The Eburones had resisted Caesar's conquest of Gaul and were rewarded for their resistance with genocide at the hands of the Romans.
Roymans believes the gold and silver coin hoard recently found in the Netherlands were produced by Celtic tribes further north, suggesting in his opinion the coins may represent cooperation among the various Celtic tribes in the war against Caesar's Roman legions. Roymans disclosed that both the gold and silver coins depict triple spirals on the obverse, a common Celtic symbol.
At the time this article was being written no value had yet been placed on the hoard. The hoard discovered in Belgium was of similar size and has been estimated at about 175,000 euros (about $220,000 US) in value.
Curfs has retained 11 of the coins, lending them to the city of Maastricht on what has been described as a long-term basis. His coins have been on display at the Centre Ceramique Museum in Maastricht. The farmer on whose land the hoard was discovered sold his interest in the coins to Maastricht for an undisclosed sum.
Middle East Checkmate

WSCF: All Girls Scholastic Chess Tournament
Darlings! Updated information about the Wisconsin Scholastic Chess Federation's All-Girls Scholastic Chess Tournament. I'm not sure if it is the THIRD or the FOURTH: The schedule at the WSCF website says it is the FOURTH; the PDF flyer says it is the THIRD. But it really doesn't any difference - it's girls and only girls playing chess, competing head to head and loving every minute of it. This is a good thing.
I donated $150.00 for whatever edition this is of the Tournament for All-Girls because it is a worthy cause and I want to do what I can to promote local chess for chess femmes. Wish I was a millionaire... Please consider making a donation to this worthy organization that promotes scholastic chess in Wisconsin! You can designate that the gift be used only for specific purposes, such as the All-Girls Scholastic - or whatever you'd like.
Here is the information for the 2009 All-Girls Scholastic Chess Tournament!!!
Wisconsin Scholastic Chess Federation’s Third Annual All-Girls
Scholastic Chess Tournament
Saturday February 28, 2009
Location: Divine Savior Holy Angels High School 4257 N 100th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53222
(414) 462-3742
Format: Three Sections
K – 3 5 Round Swiss G30
K – 6 5 Round Swiss G30
Open (k-12) 5 Round Swiss G30
WSCF K - 3 Three Team Trophies. Individual trophies to top 5 players.
WSCF K – 6 Three Team Trophies. Individual trophies to top 5 players.
WSCF K – 12 Open Three Team Trophies. Individual trophies to top 5 players.
Medals to all participants.
Scholarships: K – 3 $ 100 to Champion
K – 6 $ 200 to Champion
Open $ 400 to Champion, $200 to 2nd Place, $100 to 3rd Place
Entry: Register on line at before Thursday Feb 26th at 11: 00 pm. Payment only on day of tournament.
$10 for advance registration on line. $15 on site
On Site Registration: Registration is from 8:00 am to 8:45.
Those arriving after 8:45 will be paired in round 2.
Lunch: Purchase on-site.
Supervision: At least one designated adult supervisor must be present at all times during the tournament to oversee your school’s team, or individual participants who are in K through 8th grade.
Note: WSCF reserves the rights to change the number of trophies, scholarship amounts and medals depending upon entries.
Divisions maybe combined if the number of participants warrant. Flier information may be changed with out notice up to three days
before tournament. Refunds will be honored in cases of decreased trophies awarded.
Inclement Weather: In case of inclement weather please go to the WSCF website before 7:30 am on February 28th to determine if the tournament is delayed, postponed or cancelled.
9 Queens
I found out about this fledgling organization just today at Elizabeth Vicary's blog. Any organization that supports getting more girls (particulary girls who would not otherwise be exposed to the game of chess in the normal course of their lives) is A-ONE with me. Jennifer Shahade is one of the principals of this organization. I hope 9 Queens is very successful and spreads into all 50 states!
9 Queens website.
Make a contribution to 9 Queens.
Lizzy Knows All blog - guys, she made it known that she recently broke up with her chess dude boyfriend...
Sunday, January 25, 2009
2009 Corus Update
Round 8 Results:
Group B: Y. Hou - D. Navara ½-½
Group C: M. Bosboom - D. Harika ½-½
Standings after Round 8:
Group B:
1. N. Short 5½
2. A. Volokitin, A. Motylev 5
4. D. Navara, F. Caruana, F. Vallejo Pons, R. Kasimdzhanov 4½
8. Z. Efimenko, E. l'Ami 4
10. Y. Hou, K. Sasikiran, D. Reinderman, J. Werle 3
14. H. Mecking 2½
Group C:
1. T. Hillarp Persson 6
2. W. So 5
3. D. Howell, A. Gupta, F. Holzke, M. Bosboom 4½
7. A. Giri, D. Harika 4
9. F. Nijboer, A. Bitalzadeh, R. Pruijssers 3½
12. O. Romanishin, M. Leon Hoyos 3
14. E. Iturrizaga 2½
New Ruins Discovered in Pakistan
Not sure about this - it might just be politically motivated propaganda; you know, "we're better than you (India) because our ruins are older than your ruins, blah blah blah...
What we DO know is that a very ancient civilization flourished for about 1,000 years in Baluchistan along the courses of the Indus River and its tributaries, roughly concurrent with the rise of the civilizations in Egypt and Sumer/Mesopotamia. When the climate changed/the rivers shifted (why do rivers shift? how does this happen? Do they just suddenly decide one day, hey, I'm going 20 miles to the south? Seems a very strange business to me...), the original area of settlement was abandoned. It has been a matter of controversy ever since whether any elements of that civilization survived by moving further south. Are the people who live in southern India today the descendants of that ancient Baluchistan civilization???
Anyway, here is the article:
Site older than Moenjodaro found in Sukkur
By Waseem Shamsi
SUKKUR, Jan 22: An archaeological site, about 5,500 years old, has been found in Lakhian Jo Daro near Goth Nihal Khoso in the district of Sukkur.
The find is said to be of the era of Kot Diji.
A team of 22 archaeologists headed by the chairman of Shah Abdul Latif University’s archaeology department and Lakhian Jo Daro project director Ghulam Mustafa Shar found some semi-precious and precious stones and utensils made of clay, copper and other metals during excavation on Thursday. The remains are said to be older than those of Moenjodaro.
Mr Shar told Dawn that remains of a ‘faience’ mirror factory had been found at the project’s second block. It was believed to be of the era of mirror factories of Italy which dates back to some 9,000 years. [I've never heard of any faience factories in Italy dating back to 7,000 BCE - hell, not even in Egypt dating back that far, so I'll be interested to learn more about what he's talking about - if any further information is published.]
He said a painting had also been found and discovery of more such items could establish the site as 9,000 years old, like the remains found at Mehar Garh in Balochistan and Jericho in Palestine. [No photos - in this day and age, that always makes me suspicious].
“At present, we can say that it is older than Moenjodaro,” he said. Mr Shar said that archaeology professors and students from Punjab University, Peshawar University and Islamabad would join the team in a couple of days.
He said the work on the second block would continue for a month and more items could be found.
Sukkur District Nazim Syed Nasir Hussain visited the site on Thursday and asked the project director to prepare proposals for a museum.
Well, after thinking about it and in light of the recent news about what has been going on in Pakistan and the never civilized "tribal regions," I can't say I blame any of the archaeological experts for playing their cards close to their vests. With the Taliban running rampant throughout Baluchistan and the Pakistani government either not able or not willing to rein them in, it's possible that publishing photos of the area would tip off the Nazi Islamists to the site which they would then destroy as "against Allah."
This just pisses me off so much! How is it possible that the forces of darkness and evil are gaining more and more control over more and more of the world?
Treasure Trove!

Decorating Redux...Redux...Redux
I got my work-out last night rearranging the New York (guest) room one more time. I don't think the photos quite do it justice.
I don't have the New York posters up - I'm thinking about the Central Park poster above the bed and the Times Square poster on the wall area that is mostly hidden by the door when open. I found those poster hangers for sale at the MoMA website, but they only come in silver tone and I don't like silver tone! So, I'm leaning toward a basic cheap plastic poster frame backed by cardboard.
The water color on the wall next to the chair was purchased on Fifth Avenue not too far from the scene it depicts (the fountain outside of Bergdorf Goodman on Fifth Avenue at one corner of Central Park) on the way home from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, when we visited New York in September, 2005. It hung in the former guest room, in a different frame.
I reluctantly decided that my much loved black still life will be better off in the downstairs hall off the staircase. Although it added dynamic color to the guest room, I decided it wasn't quite gender-neutral - but I may bring it back; it depends on whether the posters "work". The other photographs are from New York and Las Vegas - and one squirrel pic (the top one by the window), chosen for their graphical content. The pics by the window I printed in black and white; the pics by the door are printed in color.
Still to be done - the swap-out of the bed skirt for the tailored cream/black stripe. I'll do that later on (when I take a break from blogging). I think it will add a more dynamic touch than the current white piquet bed skirt, which tends toward the feminine.
Ancient Inscription Discovered in Yemen

Recent Discoveries at Saqqara
A review/overview of a couple recent discoveries at Saqqara:
Newly-Discovered Pharaonic Tombs Near Cairo Are 4,300 Years Old
The Saqqara necropolis is larger than first thought
By Tudor Vieru, Science Editor
23rd of December 2008, 11:45 GMT
A new pair of Pharaonic tombs that were recently dug up at the Saqqara necropolis near Cairo prove that the ancient burial grounds are far more widespread than previously thought. The two new tombs actually belonged to high-ranking officials in the old Egyptian dynasties. The nation's top archaeologist says that one of them was built in the honor of the master of the stone quarries, where building materials for the neighboring, larger pyramids were harvested from, while the other belongs to a woman who was most likely in charge of procuring entertainers for the pharaohs.
"We announce today a major, important discovery at Saqqara, the discovery of two new tombs dating back to 4,300 years ago. The discovery of the two tombs are [sic] the beginning of a big, large cemetery," Zahi Hawass, the archaeologist in charge of the dig told reporters on Monday, during a media tour of the ancient ruins. He added that the portion of ground that was just excavated, near two large pyramids that were the focus of the dig, was largely left untouched up to this point.
The new discovery "shows that the blank areas of the maps of Saqqara aren't really empty at all. It's just that archaeologists haven't got round to digging them," added University of Bristol's Department of Archeology and Anthropology research fellow, Aidan Dodson, who is also part of the international team.
The necropolis at Saqqara has been constantly excavated for the last 150 years, and yet, there are numerous discoveries made each season. Recently, Egypt's 118th pyramid was discovered here, bringing the grand total of such constructions unearthed at the site alone to 12. Carbon dating showed that while some of the funerary monuments were built millennia ago, others are as recent as the time of the Roman Empire, which means that the site has a very long standing tradition of housing important Egyptian figures.
Official national estimates say that, thus far, only 30 percent of the monuments belonging to the history of Egypt have been uncovered, with the rest still under the hot sands. Archaeological work now focuses on several major sites, where the chances of finding structures are fairly large, as proven by the two new finds.
Gobekli Tepi

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