Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Major Egyptian Find from Reign of Unas
Ancient Macedonian Reference to Goddess Discovered

Chess Can Reduce Anxiety
2009 WSCF All Girls Tournament
Chess Princess: Nisha N Patkar
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
More Photos from The Domes
Susan Polgar On Chess
Dronavalli Harika Wins Arjuna Award
A New Year Resolution - To Learn Chess
As I Said Before - It's a Numbers Game
Chess Life Magazine January, 2009
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Mitchell Park Domes!
Happy Holidays - Whew!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Arab Women's Chess Championship
AICF to Host Women's International Tournament in 2009
More Shoveling... A Holiday Hiatus
Santa v. Rudolph Grudge Match

Sunday, December 21, 2008
2008 National 'A' Women's Chess Championship of India
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...
Unique at Chesstique: Chessly Gifts

Mysterious La Palma Stone

Bronze Hoard Discovered at Cuzco

Orion over Mount Nemrut (Turkey)

Something Wrong with this Picture...

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Oh no, it's snowing again...

Blast from the Past: Kramnik the Lucky Loser
2008 National 'A' Women's Chess Championship of India

It's DONE! (for now...)
Saturday Morning and No Heart Attack!
You can now barely see the mail and newspaper boxes from the front stoop now (compare to photos taken 24 hours ago) The fresh layer of snow that accumulated over the past 24 hours is also clearly visible - ha, the weather dude said "no accumulation" expected from lake effect snow, which I ALWAYS get.
The driveway is now much narrower since the last shovel-out and is also "crooked" - lol! There are also decided curves in the cleared area although my driveway is a straight shot from the road. Well, it was hard to judge where to plunge the shovel into the snow banks to start shoveling yesterday when the snow was still blowing in my face. Once I get the rest of the bulk shoveled away (starting where the shovel is buried) closest to the house and garage door (probably another hour's worth of steady hard work), I will whittle away on the sides of the snow banks to widen out the driveway area and attempt to straighten out the curves. I don't need to do this, of course, since there is no car parked in the garage that I need to drive in and out. But it's damn good exercise, both aerobic and muscle-wise. Since I'm not walking anymore during lunch-hours I need to get in what exercise I can, when I can. I still want to get down to the weight I was in November, 2003, the last time delion and I visited Las Vegas. The scale keeps fluctuating - I either have to lose 5 lbs. or 3 lbs., depending on what time of the day it is. Can I do it? Assuming we can get out of Milwaukee on 12/24, I've only got a few more days to lose those last pounds! Eek! The left shoulder is aching again - I'm very mindful of not wanting to tear my rotator cuff, so I try to get equal time in on the right shoulder, but despite my best efforts there is just no comparison.
But first I've got to hike down to the supermarket and get a few things, some wine (for moi) and nuts (for the critters), and start stocking in food for dondelion's visit, assuming he can get here. Weather is very iffy in both Montreal and Milwaukee for his Tuesday flight, we're crossing out fingers. I won't be stirring outdoors at all tomorrow other than to shovel off the deck for the critters, the weather is supposed to be that bad. The forecasters are already warning about the mini-blizzard conditions, which is bad enough. It's the 35 to 40 below zero F temperatures that most bother me. My hands freeze up in nothing flat despite investing this season in supposedly super-duper thermal gloves. Ha! Fraud! Well - at least they have a waterproof outer coating which comes in handling when shoveling because with the winds whipping around I get lots of blowback - mostly in the face but on the hands and jacket too. Arghhh! Okay - time to get a move on. Have much cleaning and then doing Goddesschess stuff to do before I'll be back here blogging. Right now, time to put the boots back on and bundle back up and head to the Pick 'n Save. I do not look forward to battling the mad crowds there, which there are sure to be! Heave Ho, Jan. Time to brave the elements once again...Furry Friends
Friday, December 19, 2008
King Tut's Father Identified
2008 National 'A' Women's Chess Championship of India
Blizzard Aftermath

Blizzard Aftermath
Christmas Tree
View from My Front Window
Blizzard! Views from the Front Porch
Intrepid Squirrels During Milwaukee Blizzard
Intrepid Squirrels During Milwaukee Blizzard
Intrepid Squirrels During Milwaukee Blizzard
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday is Ladies' Chess Night!