Saturday, January 16, 2010
Gibtelecom (Gibraltar) 2010

Corus 2010
I've been slacking off on chess news lately, but there just hasn't been much going on that I found of interest - I don't find the top 10 dude chess stuff interesting, but I should note that the USA won a silver medal the other day in the 2009 World Team Chess Championship. GM Hikaru Nakamura had a stellar performance and won an individual gold medal for his work on Board 1, and GM Onischuk won an individual gold as well for his performance on Board 2. Young Turks Hess and Robson each played two games as reserves and gained vital international experience against some of the world's top chess guns. Congratulations to Team USA for a great performance.
The great Corus event has started. Of interest to me are the B and C groups as there are at least some chess femmes playing in them, unlike Group A which is - yawn - made up of the same old male names you see over and over again. It's early days, of course, only Round 1 has been played. IM Anna Muzychuk (SLO 2523) is playing in the B Group and drew her first game, as did several other participants. Muzychuk is the only female playing in the B Group.
The C Group boasts a few more chess femmes: IM Mariya Muzychuk (UKR 2447)(she and Anna M. in the B Group are sisters, alas, now playing for different federations); GM Zhaoqin Peng NED 2402); and WGM Soumya Swaminathan (IND 2323).
For further information on the Muzychuk sisters:
Old interview (2004) with Anna at Chessbase
Chessvibes video interview with the sisters at Corus 2010
Article translated from Spanish to English received from Club Ateneo Cacereno de Ajedrez via email, November 10, 2009
Young American GM Ray Robson (USA 2570) is also playing in the C Group, his first invite to this prestigious international invitational.
In Round 1, Robson won his game (hurray!); Zhaoqin Peng drew her game; and both M. Muzychuk and S. Swaminathan lost their games.
Important Underwater Wreck Revealed Off Coast of Spain

I'm curious about the ivory from an "extinct species of elephant" - am wondering if it was the species of elephant that lived between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and were hunted to extinction sometime in the 600s BCE? - am checking National Geographic's website to see if there is more information on this --
Well, that was a bust, didn't find anything at the National Geographic website. I also checked Texas A&M's website and although I did not see any news there about this "dig", I did discover that the University hosts a graduate program in nautical archaeology.
I'm interested in the elephant ivory because of elephants' close relationship to the early game of chess, which we at Goddesschess believe dates back much earlier than the 5th century CE. I will keep my eye out for further news on this story.
Image of Mayan 'Ruler' Uncovered in Lagartero

Recap of Oldest Yet Evidence of Civilization in China

Friday, January 15, 2010
Friday Night Miscellany
I was so put out last night, I couldn't do a single post. There was scheduled a 7 p.m. showing of the house, for which I cleaned for 2 days beforehand and ran home from work last night to do last minute dusting and putting away of this and that, leaving the house before 6:45 p.m. just in case someone should show up early.
I took a leisurely stroll to the Walgreens and then the Pick and Save supermarket a mile away, and took an equally leisurely stroll home, a mile back, and got within sight of home sweet home about 7:40 p.m. Guess what - there were STILL cars in the driveway. I couldn't frigging believe it!
Mind you, not only was it cold and extremedly damp out, we are experiencing our first January "Thaw" in years and it's more "raw" than usual out there, with all the semi-melted snow constantly fogging into the air. I was tired and bitchy as hell and lugging two heavy bags of groceries. I had envisioned arriving home, finally kicking off my shoes and warming myself, having a large glass of wine, and eating something - anything. I was starved! (It's hard to believe that photo was taken about 2 months ago!)
I was pissed! But I dutifully lugged my groceries a couple of blocks away from the house and then a couple of blocks back - and those damn cars were still there. So, I say to myself, "Self, that is your house. GO HOME!" And so I did.
As I was putting my key into the door, it opens and there is an older man holding a flashlight. A FLASHLIGHT? There are several people behind him. They all seem intent on looking at something on the carpet by the heat register. What, I think - is there a bug that decided to appear through the grating? Or a dead mouse? I take off my glove, roll up my coat sleeve and look - POINTEDLY - at my watch. What happened to the 7 p.m. viewing? It is now 7:45 p.m.
FINALLY, as I start to muscle my way into my own home, one, two, three, four, five - six people come out of my house, the last being a young attractivl lady who must be the broker, at least I hope she was because she has the key in her hand and puts it back into the lockbox hanging on the doorknob.
I would have slammed the door on their butts, but with the weather-stripping in the frame there is no way it slams anymore. Damn!
THEN it takes them another ten minutes to leave. What the hell are they doing out there, I wonder? Having a pow-wow? Smoking crack?
This house ain't exactly Buckingham Palace. It would be a stretch to say it would take 30 minutes to THOROUGHLY view it from top to bottom - and that is only if one decided to go through the hatchway in the upper hallway into the attic and also crawled around the outside foundation with a FLASHLIGHT on hands and knees.
So, I fire off an email to my less than useless brokers reminding them that they told me at the beginning of this incredibly stupid waste of my time and energy that a viewing takes TEN MINUTES - in and out, they both said. Yeah, so what happened to that TEN MINUTES STRETCHING INTO FORTY PLUS MINUTES?
And I hear - nary a word. From either of them. So now I am doubly pissed off. The house is coming off the market. I'll do the letter and send it out certified from the office on Monday. Enough of this baloney.
On a more pleasant note, Kevin the Wonder Handyman called me on Sunday morning about some work I wanted him to do - but I didn't have a list prepared and so he said he would call me on Wednesday. Well, he didn't call me. So if I don't hear from him this weekend I will give him a call on Monday because now I have my list! More things to be done around here - for me, ALL FOR ME. Bwwwwaaaaahhhaaaahhhaaahhhhaaa! I have decided that crown moulding will look wonderful in the family room, with it's classic Phi proportions :) And I am going to more seriously attempt to track down some painters who have the means to do this two story living room of mine and make any necessary mends to the drywall inner and outer corners, etc. That is, if it comes in less than $2,000. Otherwise, forget it! For that money I can go back to New York for a week.
Darlings, do me a favor. I'm not sure if this will work, but please try it. Please click on this link and feign lots of interest in Maison Newton's listing, as if it were the mansion of someone like Pi Diddley or Rush Limbaugh or Mama Gaya - oops - I mean, Lady Ga Ga - rather than a mere Goddess like me.
I had not heard of this wonderful way to raise funds for this worthy research cause - I think it must be a Euro thing - they have a lot less hang-ups than us pseudo-prude Americans. We have the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure to raise funds for breast cancer, which is a worthy cause, indeed. But I have to tell you - the Moonwalk sounds like a lot more fun! All of the participants must wear bras. The kids, the women, the men (yes, men and boys too). All to make a point, er - no pun intended. Yeah, you know the kind of bras, like gals wore back in the not so old days - the real pointy ones, with seams and tips! Like Mae West worek, and Jane Russell wore! Like Madonna wore during her early Whore-Look Days. Yeah - THOSE BRAS! Playtex Pointies! The mechanics of which were patented by an engineer employed by Howard Hughes, no less. Remember THE OUTLAW? Banned in its day - yeah, baby! And, you've got to check this one out - I dreamed I was half-naked... Hey, sometimes I do. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!
The theme of this year's Moonwalk (and I think, the Sunwalk too), is "SHOWTIME."
The imagination runs wild :) What fun! STAY TUNED! A couple of Las Vegas Show Girls I happen to know have been asked to render assistance in designing some costumes for this very special walk...
It has recently been bandied about the financial pages of various newspapers and websites of late that the business model of Blockbuster cannot be sustained and DVDs have gone the way of the dinosaur. Well - tell that to Milwaukee! Five days a week, I happen to walk past a relatively new Blockbuster bricks-and-mortar location on my way to and from work - and sometimes I walk past it on Saturday and Sunday too.
The parking lot always has cars in it, no matter what time of day. I have walked past in early morning, to late at night, doesn't make any difference.
I had been thinking for the past few days about re-activiting my Blockbuster "membership" and renting a movie or two for the weekend since I recently discovered less than a week ago that Netflix bumped up its basic membership from $4.99 a month to $8.99 a month. RIP OFF! TOTAL ABSOLUTE RIP OFF! I freely admit it - I'm a cheapskate when it comes to stuff like this. I cancelled my Netflix membership a year or two ago when I decided I wasn't getting my money's worth at $4.99 a month. Ha! But with the new year, and with some movies out there that I wanted to see, and hearing that the coming season was going to have several more films that I thought I'd like to see when they are eventually released into DVD, I thought I might renew my membership. Only to be disappointed at the doubling of the cost to re-join. NO THANKS, NETFLIX.
So - there was the Blockbusters building. i was walking up the hill past it on my right. On an impulse tonight, as I was nearly past the building, I decided to stop in. It was right around 6 p.m. A busy time! There were lots of people in the place and more cars pulling in the parking lot even as I was taking the sidewalk off a side-drive toward the entrance. At this particular Milwaukee-area location, they are doing okay business-wise.
I go in. Lots to see - but my eyes zero in on tables where they are selling "used" DVDs. Some are 4 for $20. Some are 3 for $20. Bargain!
I picked out three and gladly smacked down $20 for these DVDs: Harry Potter: Half Blood Prince; Angels and Demons (which I will watch and have fond thoughts of our 2009 May trip to New York, where I first saw this rip-roaring film in my first visit to a high-rise cinemaplex); and Julie and Julia! There are at least 3 more films I quickly spied that I will gladly purchase next pay-period :) and more after that - some not-so-recent releases that I would like to add to my film "library." I was in and out of the place in less than 10 minutes. I'LL BE BACK...
So now I'm cutting this short, because I want to watch a movie tonight and forget all my relatively stupid and slight cares and woes.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Selling/Buying a House: Update
Lots of crap has gone on since the last report. Suffice to say that I no longer have a buyer for this place and I no longer have a pending offer on any other place.
However, I now have a fully insulated basement and I have to say that I feel some difference in the ambient temperature in the house and it has definitely decreased the condensation on the windows during those 20 below zero windchill days. Or perhaps it is just my imagination once again running away with me, ohhhh, it is just my imagination running away with me....
Amazingly, after all of the bullcrap that the brokers have dished out to me, one of them dished out more on Monday - and I've got it in email. Heh heh heh. Fortunately, I did not run around frantically cleaning for all of the people who were sooooo eager to view this place, although I was sorely tempted to do so. Talk about conditioning, geez!
As it turns out, this particular broker who stated that there were several interested people (including a cash buyer) who wanted to view my house, is a liar. Only one (or two - a couple), will view the house - tomorrow night. It fits my schedule, otherwise I would not have agreed. I don't get this lying to me stuff - why do they do it?
Anyway, in the hope of moving this along, I decided to reorganize the family room. That is no easy task. I have two heavily laden bookcases in the family room. In order to move them, all of the books and the movable shelves must be moved, and then I huff and puff and heave and shove and eventually get the bookcases where I want them to be. Doing this is worse than a "Biggest Loser" work-out.
I won't bore you with the gory details. Suffice to say that after spending nearly an entire day shoving the unloaded bookcases first here, and then there, and then back again, and then split, and then this way, and then that way, and then upside down hanging from the ceiling (kidding about that), I reached a point of such utter exhaustion that I settled for the arrangements shown in the photos. Does this look spacious enough to you???
Since I'm not going to burn my books and banish the bookcases, this is the best I can do to make the available space "roomy" and light-filled. Personally I give a hoot about "roomy" - I want convenient. I like having the bookcases closer to the kitchen table, where I spread out and do research. Alas, that looks too "cluttered" for the brokers.
At this point you are asking me, why do I give a flying "f" about what the brokers say. Unfortunately, I would like to sell this place, if I can, to get that $6,500 current owner as seller credit, while downsizing and getting a house closer to my necessaries of supermarket and buslines in a new place - if I can. This mile walk to the Pick and Save supermarket, and then back again, every time I need a quart of milk or wine or 5 lbs. of birdseed really sucks.
But the house has been on the market more than 2 months now, and frankly, I don't think this is going to happen. No one wants to pay me what Maison Newton is worth according to my calculations, and I'm not going to sell for less.
But the place sure is looking spiffy, with all the rearranging of furniture, and scrubbing of walls and painting, finally completing the staining and painting of woodwork that was not done 19+ years ago, spackling up nail holes, sealing up settlement cracks, not to mention the work I had Kevin the Wonder Handyman do, etc. etc.
I definitely have this place underpriced :) Above are two photos of the newly arranged family room. You really can't tell from these views, but yes, that really is Xena, Warrior Princess, riding high atop that black elephant on the top of the entertainment unit. A mother goddess with a spiral at her naval is also centered in front of the clock, right next to a photograph of some of the Newton family members, taken many moons ago, just to remind one how time flies :) The chessboard in front of the sofa is ready for a game.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Ancient Maps: The Ricci Map

2009 Darwin Awards
Living proof that Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest is full of it! Some of my favorites this year. These were sent to me. #1 is the winner (but see the list at darwinawards.com - not sure where these other ones came from but they sure are funny!)
1. When his 38 caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach, California would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. . . . .
He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. . . . . This time it worked.
And now, the honorable mentions:
2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat cutting machine and after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost a finger. The chef's claim was approved.
5. An American teenager was in the hospital recovering from serious head wounds received from an oncoming train. When asked how he received the injuries, the lad told police that he was simply trying to see how close he could get his head to a moving train before he was hit. . . Duh!!
6. A man walked into a Louisiana Circle-K, put a $20 bill on the counter, and asked for change. When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the $20 bill on the counter. The total amount of cash he got from the drawer... $15. [Question. . . . If someone points a gun at you and gives you money, is a crime committed? Short Answer: Yes.]
8. As a female shopper exited a New York convenience store, a man grabbed her purse and ran. The clerk called 911 immediately, and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the snatcher. Within minutes, the police apprehended the snatcher. They put him in the car and drove back to the store. The thief was then taken out of the car and told to stand there for a positive ID. To which he replied, "Yes, officer, that's her. That's the lady I stole the purse from."
Remember - they walk among us. . .
Ancient Navigators: Report on Wadi Gawasis Ship

ancient Egypt,
ancient navigators,
ancient trade,
Wadi Gawasis
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Boogey - Boogey Baby!
Not to be confused with "boogie" which, according to the venerable Merriam Webster's Dictionary (online edition), means
1 : to dance to rock music; also : revel, party 2 a : to move quickly b : to get going
which is something you would certainly do, as in "boogie on out of here" (c.f. Earth, Wind and Fire, Boogie Wonderland) if you saw a boogeyman!
I was raised with scary stories of the boogeyman. I never gave it a thought until tonight, upon reading the history of the word bogey in Barbara Walker's The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. Suffice to say I was looking for something else entirely but got sidetracked. Since my mom is pure Polish descent (as far as I know), whose parents emigrated to the U.S. in the early 1900s, the concept of the boogeyman no doubt stemmed from tales she heard from her own mother, who heard them from her own mother as a child.
It was a couple of my aunties (a couple of my mom's younger sisters) who babysat for us while mom and dad worked who first introduced us to the scary boogeyman! I believe our particular Polish-American version of the boogeyman has a parallel in Harry Potter (boggart).
Without further ado, here is Walker's entry:
The Bogey-man was a devil derived from Slavic bog, "god." English cognates were bugabow, bugaboo, bugbear, and boggle-bo, which used to signify a pagan image carried in procession to the games of May Day.(1) "Humbug" came from Norse hum, "night," plus bog or bogey, i.e., a night spirit.(2) [Rather interesting, as Mr. Ebenezar Scrooge of Charles Dickens' pen was apt to say "Bah, Humbug. Humbug I say!" when he was dismissive, or frightened out of his mind!] The word "bug," from Welsh bwg, "spirit," was applied to insects because of the old belief that insects were souls in search of rebirth.(3) A mantis was the soul of a seer or wizard. A butterfly was Psyche, the Female Soul.
Other derivations of bog were Scottish bogle, Yorkshire boggart, English Pug, Pouke, and Puck; Icelandic Puki; the Puk of Friesland; the German Putz or Butz; Irish Pooka and Welsh Pwcca; Danish Spoge and Swedish Spoka with their English offshoot, "spook."(4) Old English puca, a fairy, was applied to the old gods of Beltain.(5) Thus Puck was the same as the witches' god, Robin. (Post on Robin).
(1) Hazlitt, 80.
(2) Leland, 161.
(3) Spence, 96.
(4) Keighley, 315-16.
(5) Potter & Sargent, 295.
Well, I have to tell you that this information has thrown me for a wallop!
I have a fearsome fear of bugs (insects), but go out of my way not to kill them if at all possible - another childhood taboo that may be distantly related to the childhood taunt/chant "step on an ant, break your mother's back." If encountered outdoors I brush insects away or run away; inside the house, I usher them into jars for deposit outside or onto paper and a quick toss out the door. But it isn't always possible, alas. But I didn't know I was killing lost souls. Oh Goddess.
Was the drunken butterfly episode a couple of summers ago an encounter with a lost soul? All I can tell you is that it totally freaked me out.
Caduceus: Ancient Serpent Symbol of Healing

Lots of Serpent-Like Carved Stones

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