Saturday, September 5, 2009
Shira Chess Challenge for Charity: Update for Game 2
Last post of the night!
Shira, playing as "shirae" and I, playing as "JanXena", will be meeting tomorrow morning (Sunday September 6) at 10:00 a.m. CST (Wisconsin time) at to play Game 2 of our 3-game match!
Because of the technical difficulties that we experienced earlier today when we started our game using the "live play" feature at the website (Shira got disconnected about 8 minutes into our game), we will be playing Game 2 using the regular "online chess" feature.
As I posted earlier (the first post under this date) , Shira and I ended up using the regular "online chess" feature to play Game 1, since all moves from Game 1 were lost when Shira's computer lost the internet connection to our "live" game.
In a time crunch and not knowing what else to do, we played Game 1 using the "online chess" feature instead.
Honestly, I do not know if anyone will be able to follow along as we play Game 2 - and we apologize for this. This particular interface at is not designed for "real-time" play -- it jumps on my screen when either of us makes a move, for instance (Shira reported the same phenomenon when I asked about it), and then I have to scroll up to get back to the playing board, but the website does update once each of us hits the "submit move" button! It's just that sometimes we forget to hit the "submit move' button. And whether folks who are not playing the game can actually view it as we play, we do not know.
We had considered switching our forum to another site (such as ICC), but given the pre-match publicity that said our games would be played at, we concluded it would be best to continue playing the games at - just not in the "live game" format we had envisioned.
Once again - our apologies. We had not envisioned this problem! So, if you are not able to follow along while Shira and I play Game 2 tomorrow, I will publish the PGN of our game here. And hopefully a photo or two. I do not think you will want to see me at 10 a.m. without make-up and combed hair, and in my yard-work junk clothes - but
Who knows, maybe someone out there will like a funky JanXena.
Ethnic Unrest In China Continues - with Fall-Out

Iran Typical Treatment of Female Prisoner
The current dictators who run Iran call themselves a "theocratic" nation under God's law. HA! I hope Michelle Obama reads this article. Report from Associated Press.
Woman's case reflects prisoners' treatment in Iran
By SCHEHEREZADE FARAMARZI, Associated Press Writer
Scheherezade Faramarzi, Associated Press Writer – 48 mins ago
BEIRUT – The interrogator politely apologized for grilling the prisoner about her role in the mass protests over Iran's disputed presidential election.
Then the prisoner was made to sit facing a wall in the courtyard of Iran's Evin Prison, blindfolded, handcuffed and covered in an all-enveloping chador for four and a half hours under the blazing sun.
"America is our enemy," the interrogator told her. "Why are you so naive and can't see this? It's exploiting the situation here and wants to ransack the country. They don't have your interest at heart.
The ordeal of Nazy, a 29-year-old university student who worked with the campaign of defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi, gives a rare glimpse of what is happening to detained protesters. Nazy spoke to The Associated Press by telephone from Tehran after her release on the condition that only her first name be used, to protect herself and her family.
Thousands have been arrested since incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner, despite cries of fraud. The opposition claims detainees were savagely raped by their jailers and at least 69 people were killed, including some from beatings in prison.
The account from Nazy, who is known in reformist circles, could not be independently backed up. But former prisoners and human rights groups have noted that such treatment of prisoners — a mix of intimidation and persuasion known as white torture — is widespread, and that ordinary people along with well-known opposition politicians have been subjected to it.
"This case is one of thousands that take place in Iran," said Mohammad Javad Akbarein, an analyst who was himself jailed in 2001. "The majority of prisoners experience white torture. But it's worrisome when people become complacent when prisoners are not subjected to black torture and forget that their rights, dignity and honor are trampled on."
June 20 was a tense Saturday, the day after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared the presidential vote would stand and warned opposition leaders to end street protests or be responsible for bloodshed.
"We knew that from that day on anyone who comes into the street may have to pay a high price for it," said Nazy.
Nazy was on her way to buy a book in Tehran's downtown Enqelab Street and planned to attend a demonstration that afternoon at 4. Before leaving home, she stuffed a bunch of white wristbands that said "change" into her backpack along with a folded poster she had prepared for the afternoon demonstration. White is the color of Karroubi's supporters.
At noon, Nazy had just climbed out of the car in front of the bookshop when a man in a white vest, blue shirt and white sneakers twisted her arm and slapped handcuffs on her. He pushed her forward and ordered her to walk a few yards in front of him in the busy street.
No sooner had she started walking that two clean-shaven young men in tight blue jeans and wearing green wristbands_ the color of the other defeated reformist candidate, Mir Hossein Mousavi — caught up with her. "Don't make any noise; when you reach the narrow street we will help you escape," one of them told her.
But when she reached the street that led to the "Protective Police," the men pushed her inside the gate. They had duped her.
She walked into a huge courtyard packed with disciplinary police officers and with vans and jeeps. Nazy saw five or six men beaten as they were led into the detention center.
Nazy herself was hit a couple of times on her back, led into a basement and interrogated.
A female guard pulled out a poster from Nazy's bag. "Ha, instead of saying 'In the Name of God,' she's written 'In the Name of Democracy' on the poster," the guard mocked Nazy. "I'll show you what democracy really is."
Another guard came in and challenged Nazy for being a member of the 'One Million Signature' campaign — a group pressing for changes in Iran's laws on women.
"Why don't you live your life quietly?" she said. "Do you really consider yourself a woman? We are women who work to bring bread to the table, just like normal people. You ought to do the same and work. You call collecting signatures work?"
She said Nazy's family was looking all over town for her and added, "Why don't you use your brain a little?"
Nazy said she was working for the woman's rights.
"Can't you find a better way to fight for our rights?" the officer asked her.
By 4 p.m. the number of detainees — mostly men picked up at the protest sites — had swelled to more than 100.
Nazy and two other women waited for several hours in a van while more female demonstrators were brought in. It was dark by the time the van, which seated 12, was filled with 19 women plus two female and one male officers. They sat three to a seat, blindfolded, their hands tied to the chairs.
Every time they said a word, they were smacked in the head. At one point, the male officer threw six heavy bottles full of water on their heads.
Nazy slightly lifted her blindfold and watched guards hit around 60 men — mostly young — in the head with batons. Blood streamed down their faces and soaked their shirts.
The women were driven to the Vozara Monkerat (Moral Police), a temporary jailhouse for prostitutes and drug addicts.
The officers dumped them inside the green metal gates of the building and left. No one at the Monkerat knew why the 19 women were there, who had brought them, what their offenses were. They shoved every five of them into a 3 by 2 meter (10 by 6 feet) carpeted room where they couldn't even stretch their legs. The rooms were dark, with no windows.
By the time dawn broke, the women were screaming. A young mother was wailing. She had left her three-year-old child in the house alone to shop at the corner store when she was arrested.
After 15 hours, they were allowed to use the toilet, and only once.
Just before midnight, the women were escorted up the stairs into a room with a big library. They were given forms to fill: reason for their detention.
The middle-aged interrogator — in a short-sleeved white shirt and white pants and a golden chain around his neck — did not look like a typical officer of the regime. Nor did his assistant, a young man also clean-shaven and wearing chains.
A few minutes later, a young, thin man wearing a suit walked in.
"Do you realize your crime is much heavier than others?" the new man asked Nazy. "Because you are with the ("One Million Signature') campaign."
"I don't even know why I have been arrested," she replied.
He wrote at the bottom of the paper: "to be released on billion rial (about $100,000) bail." He told her to sign the paper so she could go home that night.
Her charge was: disruption of law and order, action against national security, destruction of public property, participation in illegal gathering.
She said did not accept any of the charges.
"Then you will stay right here," he said. "Put on her handcuffs and blindfold and take her downstairs," he told the guard.
Nazy was terrified. She didn't want to stay there alone, and was worried about her family.
"If I sign it means I accept the charges?" she asked the man.
He said the charges would remain whether she signed or not. She was afraid that if she accepted the charges, they would slap a prison sentence on her.
"Don't sign. Stay here until you die," the man threatened her.
The young assistant tried to persuade her to sign.
"Will I then go home tonight?" she asked him.
"Yes. Don't you see you are signing bail?" he assured her.
The moment she signed, the interrogator said: "Put on her handcuffs and blindfold and take her to Evin."
"But you said I will be going home tonight!" Nazy said.
"Who do you think you are that I have to answer to you? Take her to Evin!" the man snapped.
Rest of article.
Shira Chess Challenge for Charity: Game 1

Friday, September 4, 2009
6th-7th Century CE Stone Goddess Found in Kashmir

Mother Goddess,
Pavel Bidev
World Women Team Chess Championship
This report based on coverage from Chessdom:
Standings after Round 3 and Round 3 Team Results:
1 Poland 6 MP 7.5 GP
2 Georgian 5 MP 7.5 GP
3 China One 4 MP 7 GP
4 USA 3 MP 7 GP
5 Ukraine 3 MP
6 GP 6 India 3 MP 5.5 GP
7 Russia 2 MP 5.5 GP
8 Armenia 2 MP 4.5 GP
9 Vietnam 1 MP 5 GP
10 China Two 1 MP 4.5 GP
Vietnam - USA 2 : 2
WGM Hoang Thi Bao Tram 2265 - IM Krush Irina 2458 1 - 0
WIM Pham Le Thao Nguyen 2301 - IM Goletiani Rusudan 2391 ½ - ½
WFM Hoang Thi Nhu Y 2114 - WIM Melekhina Alisa 2220 ½ - ½
WFM Vo Thi Kim Phung 2078 - WFM Abrahamian Tatev 2275 0 - 1
China Two - Poland 1½:2½
Tan Zhongyi 2435 - IM Rajlich Iweta 2465 1 - 0
WIM Zhang Xiaowen 2391 - WGM Zawadzka Jolanta 2414 0 - 1
IM Wang Yu A 2380 - IM Dworakowska Joanna 2345 0 - 1
WFM Ding Yixin 2321 - WGM Majdan Joanna 2361 ½ - ½
Ukraine - Georgia 1 : 3
WGM Zhukova Nataliya 2457 - GM Chiburdanidze Maia 2506 ½ - ½
IM Gaponenko Inna 2438 - GM Dzagnidze Nana 2535 0 - 1
IM Muzychuk Mariya 2443 - IM Javakhishvili Lela 2472 0 - 1
WGM Zdebska Natalia 2410 - IM Khukhashvili Sopiko 2451 ½ - ½
India - China One 1 : 3
IM Dronavalli Harika 2474 - GM Hou Yifan 2585 ½ - ½
IM Sachdev Tania 2405 - GM Zhao Xue 2542 0 - 1
WGM Karavade Eesha 2391 - Ju Wenjun 2443 ½ - ½
WGM Mary Ann Gomes 2396 - WGM Huang Qian 2424 0 - 1
Armenia - Russia 2 : 2
IM Danielian Elina 2489 - IM Kosintseva Tatiana 2536 ½ - ½
IM Mkrtchian Lilit 2468 - IM Kosintseva Nadezhda 2493 ½ - ½
WGM Galojan Lilit 2326 - IM Kovalevskaya Ekaterina 2436 1 - 0
WIM Andriasian Siranush 2234 - WFM Gunina Valentina 2437 0 - 1
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Shira Chess Challenge: GAME ON!

Virgin Mary as 'Terrorist'

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
2nd Women World Team Chess Championship
Whew! How quickly that year passed!
This international team event is here again - this time represented by 10 teams. Doesn't exactly read "world" to me with only 10 teams, but what the heck. The USA is in it, bringing their Not really A Team except for the top-2 (minus GM Susan Polgar, of whom it is probably hopeless we'll ever see her play again in serious competition), so let's see what happens.
Here are the teams competing and my quick takes on the the players/teams:
China A 2490
1 GM Hou Yifan 2584 (if her handlers allow, she'll top 2700 but will want to get married)
2 GM Zhao Xue 2544 (vastly under-rated)
3 WGM Shen Yang 2453 (ditt0)
4 Ju Wenjun 2443
5 WGM Huang Qian 2424 (unknown quantity)
Geogia 2474
1 GM Chiburdanidze, Maia 2506 (wily veteran who knows what it takes to win)
2 GM Dzagnidze, Nana 2536 (steady performer)
3 IM Javakhishvili, Lela 2470 (under-estimated because of her beauty)
4 IM Lomineishvili, Maia 2427
5 IM Khukhashvili, Sopiko 2430
Russia 2468
1 IM Tatiana Kosintseva 2539
2 IM Nadezhda Kosintseva 2482 (wow, both Kosintseva sisters on the same team, oh oh)
3 IM Ekaterina Kovalevskaya 2436 (has not performed up to expectations but keeps trying)
4 IM Marina Romanko 2447
5 IM Valentina Gunina 2437
Ukraine 2444
1 IM Anna Ushenina 2478 (except for Zdebska, unknown to me, a steady team of competitors)
2 WGM Natalia Zhukova 2461
3 IM Yanovska Inna 2428
4 IM Maria Muzychuk 2441
5 WGM Natalya Zdebska 2412
India 2390
1 IM Harika Dronavalli 2474 (I love each of these ladies, but they will have their hands full)
2 IM Tania Sachdev 2423
3 WGM Kruttika Nadig 2361
4 WGM Eesha Karavade 2359
5 WGM Gomes Mary Ann 2332
Poland 2378
1 IM Iweta Rajlich 2448 (under-rated)
2 WGM Jolanta Zawadzka 2387 (steady but unspectacular)
3 WGM Joanna Majdan 2382
4 IM Joanna Dworakowska 2345
5 WIM Karina Szczepkowska-Horowska 2327
USA 2372
1 IM Irina Krush 2458
2 IM Anna Zatonskih 2466
3 IM Rusudan Goletiani 2391
4 WIM Alisa Melekhina 2270 (progress stalled - maybe deciding between chess and - ?)
5 WFM Tatev Abrahamian 2273 (a charming chess femme, but not competition for the others)
Armenia 2372
1 IM Elina Danielian 2503 (steady but unspectacular veteran player, she's seen it all)
2 IM Lilit Mkrtchian 2479 (dangerous - came into her own in 2008 Womens' WCC)
3 WGM Lilit Galojan 2323 (needs more experience against higher-rateds)
4 WGM Nelli Aginian 2322
5 WIM Siranush Andriasian 2235
China B 2356 (the Chinese Chess Federation is probably laughing up it's sleeve at the world)
1 Tan Zhongyi 2435
2 WIM Zhang Xiaowen 2391
3 IM Wang Yu 2380
4 WFM Ding Yixin 2343
5 Wang Xiaohui 2231
Vietnam 2177 (untested hopefuls, will learn a lot and finish 8th to 10th)
1 WGM Hoang Thi Bao Tram 2274
2 WIM Pham Le Thao Nguyen 2314
3 WFM Hoang Thi Nhu 2119
4 WFM Pham Bich Ngoc 2105
5 WFM Vo Thi Kim Phung 2073
So much for my prognostications and uninformed opinions :) How'd the Teams do after Round 1? See for team-by-team round results.
Standings after Round 1 (by Team):
Rk. SNo Team Games + = - TB1 TB2
1 8 China Team One 1 1 0 0 2 3,0
2 1 Poland Team 1 1 0 0 2 2,5
3 9 Georgian Team 1 1 0 0 2 2,5
4 4 Ukraine 1 0 1 0 1 2,0
5 5 India Team 1 0 1 0 1 2,0
6 6 Armenian Team 1 0 1 0 1 2,0
7 7 Russian Team 1 0 1 0 1 2,0
8 2 Vietnam Team 1 0 0 1 0 1,5
9 10 American Team 1 0 0 1 0 1,5
10 3 China Team Two 1 0 0 1 0 1,0
Annotation:Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Promising Method to Decipher Ancient Writing
From - fascinating stuff! It will be interesting to see how quickly this technology is adapted as the author envisions.
Computer algorithm to decipher ancient texts
By Ari Rabinovitch - Wed Sep 2, 2009 9:51AM EDT
BEERSHEBA, Israel (Reuters) -
Researchers in Israel say they have developed a computer program that can decipher previously unreadable ancient texts and possibly lead the way to a Google-like search engine for historical documents.
The program uses a pattern recognition algorithm similar to those law enforcement agencies have adopted to identify and compare fingerprints.
But in this case, the program identifies letters, words and even handwriting styles, saving historians and liturgists hours of sitting and studying each manuscript.
By recognizing such patterns, the computer can recreate with high accuracy portions of texts that faded over time or even those written over by later scribes, said Itay Bar-Yosef, one of the researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
"The more texts the program analyses, the smarter and more accurate it gets," Bar-Yosef said.
The computer works with digital copies of the texts, assigning number values to each pixel of writing depending on how dark it is. It separates the writing from the background and then identifies individual lines, letters and words.
It also analyses the handwriting and writing style, so it can "fill in the blanks" of smeared or faded characters that are otherwise indiscernible, Bar-Yosef said.
The team has focused their work on ancient Hebrew texts, but they say it can be used with other languages, as well.
The team published its work, which is being further developed, most recently in the academic journal Pattern Recognition due out in December but already available online.
A program for all academics could be ready in two years, Bar-Yosef said.
And as libraries across the world move to digitize their collections, they say the program can drive an engine to search instantaneously any digital database of handwritten documents.
Uri Ehrlich, an expert in ancient prayer texts who works with Bar-Yosef's team of computer scientists, said that with the help of the program, years of research could be done within a matter of minutes.
"When enough texts have been digitized, it will manage to combine fragments of books that have been scattered all over the world," Ehrlich said.
(Editing by Jon Hemming)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Edmonia Lewis: Great 19th Century Female Sculpter

Through an email inquiry I received earlier today about the Kleopatra statue we mentioned and photographed in our July, 2008 Goddesschess anniversary vacation tour of the Milwaukee Shriners' Temple (scroll down to about mid page to see two photos of Kleopatra), I got curious about plaster of paris statues (I believa the Kleopatra statue we saw at the Shriners' Temple was made out of plaster of paris) and did some research, which led me to this article at the Smithsonian Magazine from 1996.
I was not aware of this Native American/African American female sculpter who made her mark in the 1860's and 1870's in Europe. Among her most famous works - the Death of Cleopatra, first exhibited in 1876.
When I googled a photo of the sculpture, I was stunned by its power and beauty.
Both the artist and the sculpture have amazing stories!
The Object at Hand, by Steven May, Smithsonian magazine, September 1996
Website devoted to Edmonia Lewis
There are several images of "The Death of Cleopatra" online. A review of those images will reveal intricate and delicate details of the artist's vision.
"The Death of Cleopatra",
Edmonia Lewis,
Monday, August 31, 2009
2009 World Women's Team Chess Championship
From Press Trust of India
Harika to lead India in World Women Team Chess
New Delhi, Aug 31 (PTI) International Master Dronavalli Harika will spearhead Indian challenge in the World Women Team Chess Championship, starting tomorrow in Ningbo, China.
Harika (ELO 2474), who was also a part of the Olympic team, will lead the side including former Asian women's Champion IM Tania Sachdev (ELO 2423), Woman Grandmasters Kruttika Nadig (ELO 2361), Eesha Karavade (ELO 2359) and Gomes Mary Ann (2332).
Indian team has the ELO rating points of 2390.As many as 10 teams will contest in the nine-round event, which will be inaugurated tomorrow and play will start the next day in a round-robin format.
Host China are the top seeds and field two team -- A and B. The 'A' team will be led by GM Yifan Hou, with average rating of 2490.
Their main competition will come from Georgia and Russia, who come without World Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk.
GM Susan Polgar's blog has information about the composition of the teams competing in this event. For a "world championship" it's pathetic. I hope the U.S. chess femmes are getting a nice stipend from USCF or someone (why is this always so fricking secret who is paying for what, I ask you?) to appear in this foregone conclusion of China winning. Snbore. I'll be the first to eat one of my dirty socks molding away in the closet in a corner if I'm wrong.
Board Games Studies: April in Paris, 2010!
Oh Goddess, how romantic! April in Paris... Hmmmm, maybe Mr. Don and I will just mosey-on over to Paris next April - if I can break away from the office during Terrible Tax Season, EEK! Part I Tax Season doesn't end until midnight April 15, 2010. Sigh.
Received an email from Thierry Depaulis of Board Games Studies about their upcoming Board Games Symposium in Paris, April 14-17, 2009. Here is the info:
Wednesday 14th to Saturday 17th April, 2010
The 13th Board Game Studies Colloquium will be held in Paris, from Wednesday 14th to Saturday 17th April, 2010.
The Colloquium will be hosted at the FIAP Jean-Monnet Centre, a large convention and hostel centre situated in the 14th arrondissement of Paris.
The Colloquium will offer a large scope of papers (typically eight to ten per day), dealing with the archaeology, mathematics, history of art, computer science, anthropology, cognitive psychology, history, linguistics, design, economy of board games and their accessories (dice, gameboards, counters, etc.). We will also visit a few public collections.
We invite submissions from scholars, researchers, students and collectors on these topics. We seek papers that offer real research. Talks should not be longer than 25 minutes. They can be in French or in English. Papers read in French will be translated orally (though not simultaneously).
Subjects must be sent before November 30th, 2009 to: Organising Committee c/o Thierry Depaulis 24 rue Francœur - 75018 Paris (France) email: thierry (dot) depaulis (at) free (dot) fr
Abstracts (500-600 words) must be sent before January 31st, 2010, because they all must be translated into the other language.
The Colloquium fee is not yet set but will be around EUR130/150 for the whole programme, including a few meals. Two-Day (and perhaps One-Day) pass will also be available.
Further details and hotel booking will be posted later.
Shira Chess Challenge: Match and Training Update!
Hola darlings! The time is fast approaching - this weekend, starting on Saturday September 5th and concluding on Monday September 7th, Shira and I will be playing out match - one game each day, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I'll let you know the TIME soon!
Shira and I will be playing in real time using clocks - 1 hour each - at Shira plays under the name "shirae" and I play under "JanXena". We invite you to kibitz.
I don't recall if I posted this link earlier - but if I didn't - here is the link to Shira's "Movie Channel" at You Tube. She's posted a lot of videos there of her 2009 projects with the kids - worth watching! The kids and Shira's work with them is what this is all about.
On the training front, some updates.
First, Chessdaddy, I done you wrong, darling. I thought he had abandoned me, but it turns out he had not received the email notice that I had made a move in our one and only training game, and he hadn't gone back to to check the game status. Our game has since resumed and right now, according to CD, I am ahead in piece development and slightly ahead in material.
Second, I have received help from an unexpected source! A little background: Back on July 6th I did a post, sounding in dismay and depression, about how my chess training was going, and I posted an article I'd found about "beginner" chess and a couple who are training mostly young ones (but some older ones too) chess beyond the fundamentals. After all, it isn't that hard to learn how the pieces move. It's what comes afterward that is the brain-slayer for moi! At that point in my training, having hit near despair that I could even play again (paralysis had set in), Shira and I bumped back the match date from the end of July to the end of August, and settled upon Labor Day weekend.
Lo and behold. Laura Sherman, one of the dynamic duo who is Your Chess Coach, posted a comment to that dreadful lament and the rest, as the saying goes, is history. After learning more about Shira's Computer Labs for Kids Foundation, Laura and her husband Dan are contributing free time to help me with analysis and zeroing in on my weakest spots.
I'm not too hopeless a case after all, darlings!
First session is tomorrow night (I scheduled it for AFTER Hell's Kitchen - can't miss Chef Gordon Ramsay yelling and screaming at his contestants, heh!)
Dan and Laura Sherman met through chess in Los Angeles in 1992. Both were strong tournament players in their youth and developed a passion for the game. Now that they are parents they feel it is time to start teaching the next generation. To that end they are working on e-courses and books to teach parents and educators how to teach children to play chess. They also teach over 50 student in 6 schools locally, starting as early as age 4.
I'm looking forward to my first session with Dan and Laura. We'll be working via telephone and simultaneously online.
Thank you, Laura and Dan Sherman, for caring, and for your time. I will try my bestest not to disappoint.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Cuba Sending 10 Women to Continental Championships
There will be fierce competition for two spots at the World Cup in the upcoming 2009 Continental Women Championship.
10 female Cubans to attend chess tournament in Colombia
2009-08-30 13:22 BJT
Editor: Yang Jie Source: Xinhua
HAVANA, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- Cuba will send 10 female chess players at the women's Continental Tournament to be held in Cali, Colombia from Sept. 1 to 7, the American Federation of Chess reported on Friday.
Matitza Arribas, nine times national champion and Great Master (GM) leads the Cuban delegation, also formed by Sulennis Pina, Yaniet Marrero, Viviana Ramon and Zirka Frometa.
The other contenders will be Lisandra Ordaz, Oleinis Linares, Roquelina Fandillo, Lisandra Llaudy and Zenia Corrales.
Also Ecuadorian International Master (IM) Marta Fierro, Argentines GM Caludia Amura, Venezuelan GM Sarai Sanchez, PeruvianIM Deysi Cory, and Argentine MI Carlina Luja will also compete.
The Tournament will give two tickets for the World Cup, the tournament will be played with the Swiss system of nine rounds, with two double days, the organizers said.
If there is a tie, the winner will be defined with quick matches, in one match if only two tie, and with a tournament all against all in case of being three or more.
This is the second time these Cuban players get a ticket, since Arribas and Yanira Vigoa did not get a ticket in the 2.3 Zonal tournament.
Oldest Polgar Cousins Following in Family's Footsteps
Hard work. Dedication. Stubborness and refusal to quit. A family devoted to supporting you in your endeavor. Desire. Finally - it comes down to desire to learn - and to win. GM Susan Polgar's sons, the oldest of the Polgar cousins, are carrying on the family legacy of fierce desire to be winners.
From Lubbock Online
Polgar: Murfee Elementary student wins two world championships
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
Sunday, August 30, 2009Story last updated at 8/30/2009 - 2:05 am
On July 29-31, Tom Polgar, 10, and Leeam Polgar, 8, competed in the 2009 Superstar Chess World Youth Championships and Superstar Chess World Championship in Pardubice, Czech Republic. They were the only two players representing the United States.
After three exciting days of international competition, Tom won the Superstar World Under 12 Championship, as well as the World Under 18 Championship, both by a full point margin. He also finished in a tie for second place in the Superstar Chess Overall World Championship, behind Arpad Rusz of Romania.
Leeam finished in fifth place in the Superstar Chess World Under 12 Championship, tied for sixth place in the World Under 18 Championship, and tied for 12th place in the Overall World Championship.
Tom just started fifth grade and Leeam fourth grade at Murfee Elementary School. ...
Padmini Rout Wins 16th Ekalabya Award
Chess queen Padmini to receive Ekalabya Award today
By our Correspondent
Last updated: 08/29/2009 23:06:58
Bhubaneswar ( Orissa ) : Indian Metals Public Charitable Trust has selected State chess woman International Master Padmini Rout for the 16th Ekalabya Award. At the felicitation function Rout will get cash prize of Rs 1 lakh and a citation here on Sunday.
Two other noted sports personalities of the State, sprinter Shrabani Nanda and rowing star Rohit Kumar Swain will get cash prizes of Rs 10,000 each along with the citation. In a motive to promote sports and motivate the sports persons in the State the trust has started the Ekalabya Award since 1993.
Earlier, the hockey stars Michael Kindo, Dillip Tirkey and Jyoti Sunita Kulu were received the Arjuna award.
Odie Dog

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