Saturday, August 8, 2009
A Muslim Mother Seeks Justice for Her Dead Son

2009 Asian Youth Chess Championships
India wins 23 of 26 medals. Wow!
Story from the Press Trust of India
Indians sweep Asian Youth Chess C'ship
New Delhi, Aug 8 (PTI) Indians swept the Asian Youth Chess Championships, clinching eight gold, seven silver and eight bronze medals here today.
The Indians took home 23 of the 26 medals at stake in the event which was held at Tivoli Garden Resort.
K Priyadharshan (Open Under-16), Shiven Khosla (Open Under-14), Diptayan Ghosh (Open Under-12), Mitrabha Guha (Open Under-8), Saranya J (Girls' Under-14), Srija Seshadri, Monnisha GK (Girls' Under-12) and Khushi Dharewa (Girls' Under-8) were the gold medallists for India.
Shyam Nikil (Open Under-18), Harshal Shahi (Open Under-10), Aryan Chopra (Open Under-8), Pon N Krithika (Girls Under-18), Rucha Pujari (Girls Under-16), Ivana Maria Furtado (Girls' Under-10) and Arpita Mukherjee (Girls' Under-8) won silver medals.
In the girls' Under-12 section, India's Srija Seshadri and Monnisha jointly won the title while in both sections of Under-8 India swept all the medals.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Shira Chess Challenge: Portugal Class 2 Day 2

Friday Night Miscellany
Hola Darlings! Right to it tonight --
Is there really Aramaic writing (in Hebrew letters) on the Shroud of Turin? A Vatican researcher, Barbara Frale, told Vatican Radio July 26 that her own studies suggest the letters on the shroud were written more than 1,800 years ago.
The article goes on to say that Frale, who is a researcher at the Vatican Secret Archives, has written a new book on the shroud and the Knights Templar, the medieval crusading order which, she says, may have held secret custody of the Shroud of Turin during the 13th and 14th centuries.She told Vatican Radio that she has studied the writings on the shroud in an effort to find out if the Knights had written them."When I analyzed these writings, I saw that they had nothing to do with the Templars because they were written at least 1,000 years before the Order of the Temple was founded" in the 12th century, she said. Okay...
Can culture be embedded in DNA? A study using Zebra finches says "yes." Hmmmm, maybe -- I'd like to read more about this. Where is it?
Cf. every bit of information in David Shenk's "The Genius in All of Us" blog. I respect David Shenk's opinion. He is a man who knows how to thoroughly research and submerge himself in a subject. Among other best-selling books, Mr. Shenk wrote THE IMMORTAL GAME: A History of Chess-- or How 32 Carved Pieces on a Board Illuminated Our Understanding of War, Art, Science and the Human Brain. This is, bar none, the best non-fiction book on chess I've read.
An interesting article about intra-species communication (specifically - bees) when brought together from opposite ends of the world. Why can't people do this? We are supposed to be at the top of the "evolutionary scale", aren't we???
"The Immortal Game",
David Shenk,
Shroud of Turin
2009 Arctic Chess Challenge
GM Susan Polgar's blog is providing lots of coverage on this event in Tromso, August 1 - 9, 2009. GM Polgar is a special guest at this year's Tournament. Official website.
The news I'm interested in at the moment is that after Round 8, GM Monika Socko (go, Monika, go!) is tied for first place with IM Marijan Petrov and IM Ray Robson (go Ray, go!) of the USA with 6.0. Oy! Who do I root for? Both of them, of course!
In Round 6 they faced each other, eek! Here is commentary from the Chess Phantom (ahem) who is blogging about the 2009 Arctic Chess Challenge and providing lots of photographs:
The game that was on every ones lips was, of course, US Wonderboy Ray Robson versus GM Monika Socko on first board. Both with 2750+ performances, and they are the true stars of this tourment so far! With a victory one of them even could get a 1 point gap to the rest of the field with a few draws going their way - but quite the opposite happened. IM Ray Robson got what looked like a clear edge to me - with an advantage in both space and piece activity where he possessed the half open b-file. And no doubt white had the advantage but it wasn't so easy to make progress, as analyses shows, because of the quite closed pawn formation. Robson played for an attack but he had to accept the draw when he reached the time control at move 40. Then he had used all his time, and he even was in some time trouble, even though it looked quite controlled. Our two Stars of the tournament are still unbeaten with 6/7! They share a 3-way tie with IM Petrov with Socko first, Petrov second and Robson third on tiebreaks. It's funny how Monika keeps it in the family when her husband under performs [ouch!]. She really deserves all the credit in the world being the only player in the field with a 2700+ performance!!!
2009 Asian Youth Chess Championships
Interim rankings.
G-U18 (after 6 rounds):
1 WFM Nakhbayeva Guliskhan KAZ 2172 5,0
2 CM Bhakti Kulkarni IND 2203 5,0
3 WFM Pon Nkrithika IND 2208 4,0
4 Tokhirjanova Hulkar UZB 2138 4,0
5 Manasa K IND 1964 4,0
6 Isayeva Aynur TKM 1929 3,5
7 WFM Mitali Madhukar Patil IND 2041 3,0
8 WFM Uthra P IND 2063 3,0
9 Vardkar Mariam IRI 1811 3,0
10 Zamani Behabadi Nazanin IRI 1864 3,0
11 Sathya Priya S V IND 1920 3,0
12 WFM Thilakawardana Supeshala SRI 1801 2,5
13 Dhara Gupta IND 1876 2,0
14 WFM Al-Zarouni Kholoud Essa UAE 1837 1,5
15 Lokunarangoda Jalashi SRI 1589 1,0
16 Davoodi Yasaman IRI 0 0,5
G-U16 (after 8 rounds):
1 WFM Hoang Thi Nhu Y VIE 2119 5,5
2 WFM Pujari Rucha IND 2033 5,0
3 WFM Nguyen Thi Mai Hung VIE 2219 5,0
WFM Hejazipour Mitra IRI 2098 5,0
5 Qurbonboeva Sarvinoz UZB 1941 5,0
6 WFM Vo Thi Kim Phung VIE 2073 5,0
7 Enkhtuul Altanulzii MGL 2051 5,0
8 Bharathi R IND 2087 5,0
9 Anu Bayar MGL 1845 4,5
10 WCM Gagare Shalmali IND 2135 4,5
11 Velieva Hurma TKM 1960 4,5
12 Asgarizadeh Minoo IRI 1947 4,0
13 Roy Pallabi IND 2058 4,0
14 Zhylkaidarova Sholpan KAZ 1913 4,0
15 Khalaji Hanieh IRI 1914 4,0
16 Preetika Tayal IND 1917 3,5
17 Shangarayeva Daiana KAZ 1888 2,5
Ranasinghe S D SRI 1852 2,5
19 Gunawardena D SRI 0 1,5
20 Choden Sonam BHU 0 0,0
G-U 14 (after 8 rounds):
1 Saranya J IND 2001 7,0
2 WFM Khademalsharieh Sarasadat IRI 1977 7,0
3 Priyanka Kumari IND 2041 6,0
4 Nandhidhaa Pv IND 1878 5,0
5 Bagheri Taleghani Nadia IRI 1783 5,0
6 Pratyusha Bodda IND 1974 4,5
7 Atabayeva Gozel TKM 2001 4,5
8 Anjana Krishna S IND 1904 4,5
9 Bayarmaa Bayarjargal MGL 1959 4,5
10 Vanessa D`souza IND 1856 4,0
11 Premanath Dinushki SRI 1770 4,0
12 Norovsambuu Badamkhand MGL 0 4,0
13 Do Hoang Minh Tho VIE 1931 3,5
14 Rathore Sonakshi IND 1956 3,5
15 Azadvari Zahra IRI 1834 3,5
16 Kahramonova Mohinur UZB 1842 3,5
17 Sydykova Myrzagyl KGZ 0 3,5
18 Arunima Kalra IND 1633 3,0
19 WCM Nguyen Ngoc Thuy Trang VIE 0 2,5
20 Selvaratnam Navodya SRI 1695 2,5
21 Basnayake I U SRI 1701 2,0
22 Manabayeva Aiya KAZ 0 0,5
There are also G-U12, G-U10 and G-U 8 sections, whew! I'll report on all sections when the tournament has concluded.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Shira Chess Challenge: Portgugal Class 2 Begins
Shira Evans has sent news from the Pirilampos orphanage in Olhos D’Água, Portugal. The class for the second group of the children has begun! Here's a video. The kids are so cute :)
Shira's endeavor warranted an article in the local English-language newspaper, too. Shira sent a pdf of the article, I copied it here (since I have no idea if I can or how to post a PDF here):
From the Algarve Resident (local English-language newspaper)
American charity working with Algarve orphanage
Friday, August 7, 2009
Charity Computer Lab for Kids, which introduces young children to technology, has arrived in the Algarve.
Computer Lab for Kids is currently working with children at the Pirilampos orphanage in Olhos D’Água, where the orphans will work with a children-friendly laptop, Leapster, on which they will be able to learn English and basic computer skills.
Founder and president of Computer Lab for Kids, Shira Evans, told the Algarve Resident: "I selected the Leapster because of its popularity with children in the United States. The Leapster’s activities have built-in tutorials and adapt automatically to the child’s skill level.
"Orphans, unlike other children, have limited access to expensive toys and computers, so we feel the need to provide something fun and educational," she said.
The course is also aimed at helping the children become more confident and responsible."Our course is especially designed to increase self-esteem and responsibility," Shira Evans said. "Each child learns to be responsible for their own equipment by carefully going over how to handle the Leapster, troubleshooting techniques and other basics."
On completion of the course, each child receives a certificate and their own Leapster computer, which enables them to continue to build on their skills and confidence in technology.
Shira has been able to bring Computer Lab for Kids to the Algarve with the help of translator Reinier Hoeke, local advisors Hilde West and Pauline Van Wees and photographer Orlando Soria.
Shira, who has previous experience working for Microsoft as a Regional Lead in California, decided to create the charity while setting up computer labs in the poorest schools in Chicago.
"I noticed how much putting computers into the hands of children brightened their faces. I decided at that time it would be wonderful to set up a charity organisation that did just that – give technology to children who otherwise wouldn’t have it."
Shira has also worked with two other orphanages this year in the Gaza strip in Israel and at an orphanage in Agra in India.
"Everywhere I’ve been, the children have loved the programme and been very excited about participating and earning their computers," Shira Evans said. "The best feedback I’ve had has been the smiles and laughter. It’s a truly rewarding cause and I hope to do many, many more."
Please visit Computer Labs for Kids at Facebook and the Computer Labs for Kids website.
Details soon about the upcoming three-game chess match between Shira and Yours Truly.
Rooks Use Reasoning Power to Get the Worm!

bird woman,
crow intelligence,
crow reasoning ability,
Maize Goddess Monolith Restored

ArtDaily.org carried the story. Here is the press release from the Institudo Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (English pages) (photo from press release).
Late Post Classic Maize Goddess Sculpture Restored
August 4, 2009
Chicomecoatl monolith found recently in Zempoala municipality, Hidalgo, 500 years old, which represents the goddess of maize, was restored by National Institute of Anthropology and History specialists and now historical research has begun.
The archaeological finding associated to Mexica culture dated between 1430 and 1520 was found in July 2009 by employees of a private company, notifying immediately the Hidalgo INAH Center, which proceeded to remove and guard it.
The 60 centimeters tall sculpture represents the Mexica maize goddess, Chicomecoatl, linked to fertility. She carries 2 corncobs on each hand, and has an orifice in the chest, where a greenstone or “chalchiutlicue”, which represents the flower of life, was inlaid.
Archaeologist Osvaldo Sterpone, in charge of moving the piece to Pachuca and who will coordinate historical research, mentioned that the orifice was covered with red colored lime that matched the stone that has to be identified yet. He remarked the stone sculpture was found near Santa Ana Archaeological Site.
Sterpone commented that the sculpture may be dated in Late Post Classic period, when Mexica Empire controlled this region to obtain obsidian and other material that they traded.
Restoration of Chicomecoatl, which presents an excellent conservation state, was in charge of Virginia Carrasquel, from Hidalgo INAH Center, who leaded cleaning, stabilization and preservation tasks before being exposed at Zempolala Community Museum for 2 days.
After it returned to Hidalgo INAH Center, the piece was guarded at the cultural goods warehouse, where Chicomecoatl will be studied to determine the influence it had in the region.
Regarding the context of the finding, archaeologist Sterpone mentioned that no other element associated to the sculpture was found in the sand mine located at San Pedro Tlaquilpan.
“There are not regional archaeological studies about Chicomecoatl, so we will base on historical sources. In this sense, a similar sculpture was found during the 1970´s decade in Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo” concluded the archaeologist.
Southwest Chess Club Action!
Late notice - I didn't see the email until this morning. As part of the SWCC Lecture Series, tonight starting at 6:00 p.m. Allen Becker is giving a presentation on "Endgames."
At 7:00 p.m. this evening, Round 5 of the Club Championship starts (a record 48 players taking part). Here are the top standings and key-match-ups:
1. Becker, John R (2)............ WI 2050 W25 D14 W7 W16 3.5
2. Veech, John (3)............... WI 2038 W26 W22 W5 D3 3.53
. Becker, Allen J (4)........... WI 2010 W15 W23 W4 D2 3.5
4. Hayes, Raymond C (1).......... WI 2100 W9 W21 L3 W17 3.0
5. Cirillo, Corrado (8).......... WI 1826 W37 W24 L2 W23 3.0
6. Grochowski, Andrew (9)........ WI 1788 W28 D16 W32 D8 3.0
7. Grochowski, Robin (13)........ WI 1680 W36 W33 L1 W24 3.0
8. Zhou, Jerry Zhexua (18)....... WI 1566 W29 -H- W31 D6 3.0
9. Gaddameedi, Vilas (25) ....... WI 1377 L4 W41 W21 W22 3.0
Top Boards for Round 5:
1. ___ Becker, Allen J (3.5,2010) ___ Becker, John R (3.5,2050)
2. ___ Hayes, Raymond C (3.0,2100) ___ Grochowski, Robin (3.0,1680)
3. ___ Cirillo, Corrado (3.0,1826) ___ Zhou, Jerry Zhexua (3.0,1566)
4. ___ Grochowski, Andrew (3.0,1788) ___ Gaddameedi, Vilas (3.0,1377)
5. ___ Seghers, Evan Char (2.5,1404) ___ Coons, James J (2.5,1843)
6. ___ Munoz, Daniel A (2.5,1840) ___ Joachim, Peter Jam (2.5,1398)
7. ___ Ireland, Johnathan (2.5,1778) ___ Huang, Joanna (2.5,1398)8
. ___ Luebbe, Justin Jos (2.5,1140) ___ Fogec, Thomas G (2.5,1623)
9. ___ Penkwitz, Robert (2.5,1486) ___ Seghers, Reid Nath (2.5,1099)
Note that a new schedule will be published soon.
August 6 Round 5, Club Championship
August 13 Round 6, Club Championship
Also coming up:
August 20
Summer Actionade Cooler III
3-Round Swiss: Game/29 Minutes (G/30 possible if enough players). USCF Rated. EF: $5. (½- Point Bye available for only first round if requested prior to round)
TD is Becker; ATD is Fogec
SWCC's blog is now being updated weekly and you can find upcoming events and schedules there as well as at the Club's website.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
2009 Euro Chess Young Masters
As part of several events in this large tournament held in the Netherlands, twenty players face off in the 7-round "Young Masters Tournament." This year's Young Masters event features three chess femmes: IM Melia Salome (GEO 2441), WIM Sarah Hoolt (GER 2240) and WIM Lisa Schut (NED 2212).
Here are the current standings (after Round 6):
1 4 Moranda, Wojciech 2545 4.5
2 1 Zhigalko, Sergei 2621 4.5
3 3 Geetha Narayanan Gopal 2575 4.5
4 11 Pruijssers, Roeland 2401 4.0
5 5 Giri, Anish 2518 3.5
6 2 Iotov, Valentin 2603 3.0
7 6 Melia, Salome 2441 3.0
8 8 Burg, Twan 2422 3.0
9 10 Van Oosterom, Chiel 2402 3.0
10 9 Ringoir, Tanguy 2406 3.0
11 7 Miedema, Roi 2432 3.0
12 16 Hoolt, Sarah 2240 2.5
13 14 Van Assendelft, Floris 2332 2.5
14 12 Kleijn, Christov 2377 2.5
15 15 Otte, Marijn 2298 2.5
16 13 Bok, Benjamin 2360 2.0
17 18 Rademakers, Evert 2154 2.0
18 17 Schut, Lisa 2212 1.0
Hmmm, I don't know what happened to the other two young masters! There's only 18 on the standings list.
Is This a 10,000 Year Old Map in Stone?

2009 Denker Tournament of High School Championships
A first in Denker history: a win by a female - Abby Marshall of Virginia. Congratulations to Abby.
The USCF Chess Life Online has coverage:
August 4, 2009: Abby Marshall: First Female to Win Denker! (one game you can play through)
August 5, 2009: Abby Marshall on her Denker Win (two games you can play through)
Karvade Says "Nothing But Empty Promises"

Padmini Rout Wins Prestigious Award
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Asian Youth Chess Championships
August 2 - 9, 2009, New Delhi, India:
Over 235 players from 14 countries, including India, are vying for honors in six age groups at the ONGC Asian Youth Chess Championships.
The competition is being hosted by the Delhi Chess Association at 'Tivoli Garden Resort' in Under-8, U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 and U-18 categories separately for boys and girls. Vietnam, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bhutan, UAE, Indonesia and Mongolia have confirmed their participation.
As always, the Indian press is eagerly reporting on events featuring their players (unlike the U.S. press, sad to say). Here is an article from The Times of India on July 30th (excerpted):
The strong Indian squad with 65 players is expected to reap a big harvest from the event that offers 36 medals. In the last edition at Tehran, India won 6 gold, 5 silver and 10 bronze. The Indian Challenge will be spearheaded by World Under-14 Champion Vidit Gujarathi and World Under-12 Champion Sayantan Das. Grandmaster Salem A R Saleh of UAE who won Under-16 category in last edition will start as favourite in Under-18 category this year.
The emphasis in this coverage is on the Indian players - as it should be. I don't understand American sports reporters (1) failing to report on such events and (2) if they do report on such events, failing to highlight improvements in American players' relative performances [that perhaps don't finish in medals or top money] from prior performances. Deciding that there is nothing to report because an American player (how egotisc) did not win a medal or even finish in the top 1o - or top 100 - is baloney!
The lack of press coverage is a slap in the face to every chessplayer in the USA, including the memory of GM Robert J. Fischer, who was the last American World Chess Champion (1972-1975). We have excellent chessplayers in this country. WE HAVE A CROP OF VERY PROMISING YOUNG CHESSPLAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY. Why does almost everybody ignore them?
Anyway, here is a press report from the Indian press earlier today (I haven't had time to check for updates) about how some of the Indian players doing after Round 3 from The Press Trust of India:
New Delhi, Aug 4 (PTI) Tamil Nadu teenager Pon N Krithika beat her statemate P Uthra to emerge as the sole leader with a perfect score after three rounds of the Girls Under-18 section in the ongoing Asian Youth Chess Championship here today.In the Open section of U-18 category, P Shyam Nikil beat Ulziibayar Boldbaatar of Mongolia in the third round to share the lead with Grandmaster Salem A R Saleh of UAE with three points, who beat Indian medal prospect Debashis Das in a well fought third round match.But the shocking incident of the day was the non-appearance of top seed and former World Under-10 Champion Girish Koushik for his third round match against teammate Diptyan Ghosh as he failed to report for the match in time.
HOLY CRAP! One of the young Indian players has run-afoul of that really STUPID new FIDE rule about being at the table "on time."
This is a huge event. I can't keep up with reporting round by round, but I'll try to publish any reports on interim standings I do find, even if they are only about the Indian players :)
Shira Chess Challenge: Training Update!
Ohmygoddess, I'm exhausted, darlings! I have four chess training games currently going on.
One of those games is with Chessdaddy, our first training game - barely started. That man is mean! MEAN!
Ah, the first move of the Petrov defense...
You MUST memorize some opening lines otherwise you'll never stand a chance of getting to a middle game, let alone an end game...
Do you want to lose...
The Petrov allows you to equalize taking each other's pawns and clearing out the center of the board, but THAT move was off-book. It is a mistake...(I only took the fricking pawn and he moves his Queen out like her shit doesn't stink. Read my lips - I'm not scared.)
He paid no attention to my tentative opening comments, I made this move because of this (x-y-z). We're up to like four moves? And I thought I was the one who had watched "Searching for Bobby Fischer" too many times! OY!
I think Chessdaddy is a BAD teacher. His approach is to to attempt to beat me down into nothingness (as dramatized by the Bruce Pandolfini character in the movie relentlessly beating down the Josh Waitzkin character) and then he'll try to recreate me out of whatever ashes are left. I tell ya, Chessdaddy, THAT AIN'T GONNA WORK ON THIS CHESS CHICK.
I'm thinking now I am going to throw this game and then fire Chessdaddy's butt once and for all for yelling at me. Mean Chessdaddy, MEAN!
Indian Mound Being Destroyed by Corrupt Politicians
Where are the safeguards against the CDA awarding contracts in exchange for bribes? And as per its usual mode of operation, Walmart, in the guise of Sam's Club, is at the heart of the matter. Unbelievable!
Posted at the Institute for Southern Studies
Alabama city destroying ancient Indian mound for Sam's Club
By Sue Sturgis on August 4, 2009 8:43 AM
City leaders in Oxford, Ala. have approved the destruction of a 1,500-year-old Native American ceremonial mound and are using the dirt as fill for a new Sam's Club, a retail warehouse store operated by Wal-Mart.
A University of Alabama archaeology report commissioned by the city found that the site was historically significant as the largest of several ancient stone and earthen mounds throughout the Choccolocco Valley. But Oxford Mayor Leon Smith -- whose campaign has financial connections to firms involved in the $2.6 million no-bid project -- insists the mound is not man-made and was used only to "send smoke signals."
"The City of Oxford and its archaeological advisers have completed a review and evaluation of a stone mound that was identified near Boiling Springs, Calhoun County, Alabama, and have concluded that the mound is the result of natural phenomena and does not meet the eligibility criteria for the Natural [sic] Register of Historic Places," according to a news release Smith issued last week.
In fact, the report does not conclude the mound is a result of "natural phenomena" but says very clearly it is of "cultural origin." And while the University's Office of Archaeological Research does not believe the site qualifies for the National Register of Historic Places, the Alabama Historical Commission disagrees, noting that the structure meets at least three criteria for inclusion: its "association with a broad pattern of history," architecture "embodying distinctive characteristics," and for the information it might yield to scholars.
The site is also significant to Native Americans. The Woodland and Mississippian cultures that inhabited the Southeast and Midwest before Europeans arrived constructed and used these mounds for various rituals, which may have included funerals. There are concerns that human remains may be present at the site, though none have been found yet.
United South and Eastern Tribes, a nonprofit coalition of 25 federally recognized tribes from Maine to Texas, passed a resolution in 2007 calling for the preservation of such structures, which it calls "prayer in stone." Native Americans have held protests against the mound's demolition, and last week someone altered a sign for the Leon Smith Parkway that runs past the development to read "Indian Mound Pkwy."
A local resident named Johnny Rollins told the Anniston Star how his Native American grandmother taught him that when she died he could "go to that mountain" to talk to her:
"It seems like it's taking part of you away," he said of the demolition. "I always felt I had ties to that there."
Since the media began reporting on the site's demolition, city officials have revised their story and are now claiming that dirt from the mound is not being used as fill, despite earlier statements to the contrary. But eyewitnesses say they have seen workers hauling dirt from the mound to the Sam's Club development.
"I mean really, I went there, saw the giant trucks deliver the earth straight from the mound to the construction site, and I still can't believe what they are doing," writes the seventh-generation Alabamian behind the blog Deep Fried Kudzu. She shared the photo above showing roads for construction vehicles now cut to the top of the mound and has other photos and her story of visiting the site at the website.'
Deepening the development's controversy is how the contracting has been handled. The force behind the project is Oxford's Commercial Development Authority, a public board that uses taxpayer money to lure businesses to the area. The CDA owns the land where the mound is located.
Alabama law exempts CDAs from bid requirements, which means contracts can go to whomever the board chooses. A recent Anniston Star investigative series about the CDA revealed among other things that the group has awarded nearly $9 million in contracts since 1994 but has taken bids for none of them.
The newspaper also detailed the financial ties between the CDA, firms it does business with, and Mayor Smith's political campaign.
For example, the $2.6 million contract for preparing the Sam's Club site went to Oxford-based Taylor Corp., with the money for that coming in part from the sale of city property to Georgia-based developers Abernathy and Timberlake. Taylor Corp. owner Tommy Taylor, who has received thousands of dollars in city contracts for non-CDA work, donated $1,000 to Smith in 2004 and $1,000 in 2008, while Abernathy and Timberlake donated $1,000 to Smith's re-election campaign in 2004, the paper reports.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Mystery of the Venafro Chess Pieces - Part 2
I have been hunting around on the internet for further information about the Venafro chess pieces and the circumstances surrounding their discovery in 1932 in Venafro, Italy.
A little bit of background information I learned - a very general overview - about Roman burial practices:
Prior to about 550 BCE, burial was the preferred custom. Cremation became the favored practice of the Romans after circa 550 BCE, but with the rise of Christianity in the 3rd-4th centuries CE, burial once again became the preferred custom. In the cremation practiced by the Romans, the body would be burned and also some of the decedent's personal possessions. Wine was poured on the fire to put it out and cool down the ashes, after which a close relative (if not the wife or mother of the decedent) would gather up the decedent's bones and ashes and place them in an urn, which would then be entombed, placed in a memorial niche in a communal or family burial ground, or removed back to the home of a close relative.
Burial sites were placed outside the city walls. The wealthy purchased private lots along roads and highways; the less well off were buried in community burial facilities (we call them cemeteries today) and the poorest of the poor were evidently buried in open pits with lots of others, and then burned.
There is an ancient necropolis outside modern-day Venafro, but I cannot say if the urn burial of the story was discovered there.
The following article by Michael Mark was published at Dr. Louis Cazaux's website on chess history. I briefly met Mr. Mark in Amsterdam in November, 2001 while attending the IGK Symposium on chess history held at the Max Euwe Center.
I have excerpted the pertinent information Mr. Mark relates regarding the Venafro chess pieces:
Ancient Boardgames in Perspective
20 April, 2007
The Beginnings of Chess
Michael Mark
The second find is said to have been made in Venafro, the site of a small settlement in the district of Campobasso in southern Italy. It appears that in 1932 builders were sinking a well when, at a depth of about three metres, they shattered an urn, revealing human bones. At that stage the authorities were called in, and various objects were removed.(38)
Either the authorities assumed or they were told by the builders that the chessmen came from within the urn, although their recent carbon dating to a much later period, to which I shall return, makes this improbable. The pieces are not objects which would have prompted builders to summon archaeologists had they been found at an earlier stage of the dig and it seems very possible that this was the case.
The museum authorities in Naples, to whom the discoveries were handed, had no idea what they were. It was only some years later that they were examined and described in Elia 1939, where they were treated as Roman on the assumption that they came from the urn.
Subsequently, Fuhrmann 1941 drew attention to similar pieces in glass in the Cairo Museum. These had previously been dated in Lamm 1930 to around the tenth century ad.
According to Fuhrmann 1941, they were made using an art and technique which are pre-Islamic and of which there are no examples dating from later than the first centuries of the Roman empire. The basis for this assertion, however, is unstated and unclear, and according to Allan 1995 the marvered glass used for these chessmen was used in Egypt and Syria from about the twelfth century to the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries.
Controversy over the Venafro pieces continued over half a century, until the museum authorities in Naples were persuaded to have them carbon-dated. This was carried out in laboratories in Naples and Sydney, using the accelerator mass spectrometry method on a fragment of about 1 gram taken from one of the major pieces, and the results were reported with a history of the pieces in Gli Scacchi di Venafro 1994.
The results of the two tests, which correlated closely with each other, were that there was a 68% probability that the pieces were from the period ad 885–1017, with a 95% probability that were from one of the periods ad 781–-1044, ad 1104–1112 and ad 1147–1152. It is not clear from the report why the two later periods totalling thirteen years are included when the intervening periods of ad 1045–1103 and 1113–1146 are omitted.
Note 38:
O. Elia (1939), ‘Un Gioco di Scacchi di Eta Romana’, Bolletino del Museo dell’ Impero Romano 10: 57–63.
Here is the citation for the report on the carbon dating tests:
Terrasi F., Campajola L., Petrazzuolo F., Brondi A., Cipriano A., D’Onofrio M., Hua Q., Roca V., Romano M., Romoli M., Tuniz C. and Lawson E. (1994) L’Italia Scacchistica 1064, 4860.
I believe that both of these articles are in Italian, and so they would be of no use to me since I do not know that language.
Is there any chance that there are English translations available of one or both items??? (Probably not, but I ask anyway). Or reports on the excavation in English???
Mr. Mark thinks it likely that workers on the site of the excavation for the well came across the Venafro chess pieces - at some level prior to where the burial urn was smashed into with the digging equipment - and he assumes one or more of the workers removed the pieces without calling the authorities.
This kind of thing happens all the time when relics are come across while digging for sewers, wells, underground trains, etc. I've read lots of reports about items being tossed aside as part of rubble to be buried in a landfill or dumped into the ocean because contractors don't want to be bothered with shutting down their work for an archeological dig (time is money, as the saying goes). Or the pieces were spirited away by workers who (particularly today) were savvy that such items might have some kind of worth to somebody. Or some combination of both.
Impossible to know without further information what may have been the case when the pieces were uncovered from the Venafro burial - statements from the workers, for instance (although any statements given may have been colored with the wish of obscuring the true circumstances of how the pieces were found, for reasons of self-preservation).
Questions begetting more questions! Why, if one or more of the workers removed the pieces either with the intention of dumping them or hiding them as potentially valuable items, did one or more of those workers then turn the pieces over to the authorities?
Were all of the pieces turned over to the authorities??? Is is possible that some savvy workman held back one or more of the pieces and that today, they are part of one or more private chess collections? Is it possible that one or more pieces still exist out there - somewhere - stashed away by one of the workers (possibly buried?) and then never recovered - waiting to be discovered for the next excavation project a thousand years from now?

Tomb of Bulgarian Princess Discovered

Not discussed in the article - why these churchyards are being excavated. Are the churches being renovated? Torn down? Or is something else going on here? This report makes me uneasy. Where does the line end between legitimate archaeological excavations of tombs and crass grave-robbing for treasure trove?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Mystery of the Venafro Chess Pieces

Is Berlin Museum's Hatshepsut a Forgery?

Why did they have the piece tested? Did someone on staff suspect it was a forgery?
Surprisingly, this time I actually found answers to my questions! Check this post out from Google Groups, by Tom Flynn on July 21, 2009:
University denies test on Egyptian bust in Berlin
Posted : Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:23:40 GMT Author : DPA Earth Times:
Berlin - A German university denied Monday that it had analysed the bust of Pharaoh Hatshepsut, an Egyptian sculpture at a Berlin museum, or suggested the statue was a forgery. The bust of the female ruler is one of the icons of the Egyptian Museum in the city. It was acquired for 1 million marks (510,000 euros or about 715,000 dollars) two decades ago.
A news report Sunday said a test of the stone suggested it might be a fake. But the Technical University of Berlin said it had never studied the bust's authenticity. Scientists had in December 2007 merely studied some tiny flakes of stone found on the statue.
"The analysis found these flakes were made of rock rich in the minerals magnesite and siderite. Where these flakes came from has not been established," a statement by the university said.
The German news magazine Der Spiegel had asserted such rock was not sculpted in any other known Pharaonic statue and that this implied the figure was fake.
Hatshepsut ruled Egypt for 22 years till her death in 1458 BC. Her 16.5-centimetre-high brown granite bust is a key draw at the museum, along with a limestone bust of exquisite Queen Nefertiti.
The Berlin museum has been criticized by Cairo officials for refusing to give Nefertiti's bust, regarded as a national treasure, back to Egypt.
Link: http://tinyurl.com/n6xxaz
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