It's getting close to the endof Shira's Portugal classes, darlings!
Here is a You Tube
video that Shira forwarded from the orphanage, an overview of the work she has done with the children. Tomorrow I'll post the video of the graduation of Class 2!
Soooo- how is my training going for the three games Shira and I are going to play?
In a word - okay, I'm not going to type that here, LOL!
My coach, Chessdaddy (a/k/a Kelly Atkins of
Chessville.com fame), has - I think - temporarily called a truce in our respective styles of playing chess. Not, of course, that I have a "style" per se, I only think I do :)
Be that as it may, Chessdaddy and I have traded enough barbed communiques in the short course of our first training game (I believe we're now on move 6?) to blow up the house wherein a certain person is rumoured to reside - well, never mind. I must stay cool, calm and collected, and play chess with my substantial (ahem) intellect rather than my even more abundant (gross understatement) emotional instincts. In which case, the Earth would have long since been reduced to a burnt out cinder... It is not for nothing The Chief called me "Patton."
I'm losing three of my current games and I'm certain that Chess Daddy has some nefarious scheme up his sleeve to crush me into minced garlic or something similar in our (my fourth) game. If I were not such an ethical person, I'd cheat against him!
Oh yes, I would. That's an awful thing to say, isn't it. I'd do three Mea Culpas if I felt guilty about the thought - BUT I DO NOT.
However, I do not own any chessplaying programs since my 1999 bootlegged copy of a certain very popular progam that shall remain nameless died after I upgraded to this now six year old desk-top. Oy! I'm too cheap (may as well be blunt about it) to purchase a new chessplaying program that I can use to cheat. I do, however, look back fondly on playing a certain chess entity identified as "Bobby Fischer" in that old program and actually lasting 19 whole moves.
To quote Miss Elizabeth Bennet from the fabulous 1995 A&E production of "Pride and Prejudice", "So you see, it's a hopeless case."
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