Take a look at this --

It is so Goddesschess delish -- the smoking King, LOL! The King represents Donald J. Trump - and you can guess who at least some the pawns are (James Comey and Special Counsel Robert Mueller, closing in for the kill...) The Arab translation of the original Middle Persian "Shah Mat" -- the King is dead -- in this instance is dead on :) I lifted it this morning from an opinion piece at The New York Times.
I read and watch online a host of various news sources and political commentary now that I experiencing the wonderferous splendor of seemingly unlimited time on my hands in retirement! Ahhhhhhhh, Divine, darlings, just Divine! My day is not complete unless I make several snarky comments at Politico and on occasion I even show up on various far-right websites as the crazy bitch bomb-thrower... I drive the Nazis in my family incessantly crazy by continually trolling their Facebook feeds with videos of Bill Maher, Steven Colbert and the man of my dreams, Keith Olbermann (who knew radical left intensity could be so damn sexy, wooo wooo!)
I make no bones about my political leanings. And it delights me when I see - usually around election time only - analogies between chess and politics. That we are seeing many such analogies in the media since January 20, 2017 speaks to the continuous stream of Trump scandals and high drama flowing out of the White House on a seemingly daily basis (mostly caused by the Big-Mouth-in-Chief himself). It feels like a thousand years of being stuck in a continuously repeating time loop of continuous insanity out of the White House, but it's been only about 4 1/2 months that Trump has been in office. HOLY HATHOR!
Is it only me, or is anyone else experiencing increasing visions of Major Kong riding the nuke all the way down from the B-52 from 1964's classic "Dr. Strangelove:"
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