Sunday, October 19, 2008

Roman Elvis?

Back in the old days of the internet, when the wildly popular The International Chessoid used to ply its trade on the ether with news about chess and chessplayers that was not published anywhere else (mostly because it was all made up), the Chessoid featured "The Dead Ringers of Chess." The creative but admittedly warped minds behind the Chessoid would cull through online archives from history and art galleries for images resembling well-known (and not so well-known) chess players and feature them side-by-side in the Chessoid. Imagine my delight when I saw this article crop up. It really is an uncanny resemblance: £24,000 FOR 'ELVIS' Thursday October 16,2008 By Paul Jeeves A ROMAN marble head that looks like Elvis – right down to the quiff – was sold for £24,000 at auction yesterday. The 13-inch carving, which came from a 2nd century AD sarcophagus, was bought by an unnamed collector at a Bonhams sale in London. Antiquities specialist Georgiana Aitken said: “It bears an uncanny likeness to Elvis. It’s the quiff that does it. It wasn’t a hairstyle of the day as far as I know.”

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