Saturday, June 21, 2008

Rice Grain Effect - in Advertising?

Well, if it works, these guys may make some money... Folks familiar with the "ancient history" of chess have most likely heard the tale, with variations, of the wise man in an Indian raja's court who, after earning the gratitude of the raja, was offered anything he wanted, up to half the raja's kingdom. The wise man asked for a measure of grain using a chessboard as an analogy, such that one grain on the first square became 2 grains on the second square, became 4 grains on the 3rd square, became 16 grains on the 4th square, and doubling and doubling so on, until the 64th square was reached. The raja said of course you shall have this, privately thinking to himself that perhaps his wise man wasn't so wise after all, for this was surely a small reward! But it turned out, after the calculations were done, that all the grain in the world would not suffice to fulfill the amount needed. The 64th square alone would be worth 2 to the 63rd power! Add all the other grains to this amount from the other 63 squares. Oh my. According to H.J.R. Murray's "A History of Chess" (a chess historian's Bible), this person was named Sassa (or Sissa or Susa) b. Dahir, from accounts derived from various Arabic sources. That is the idea (sort of) behind this new advertising venture: Small Rice Grain Big Effect: Physicists Use Ancient Model to Sell Advertisement Chess Fields on the Internet.

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