Here is some reading that I found interesting:
Russia is facing a depopulation time-bomb
Check out the - as the Daily Grail put it - "cosmic hand ripping the fabric of the universe" (image above). So cool!
How do you tell a shaman from a priest? Sounds like the lead-in to a one liner...
Epigram of lamb - who knew it was something to eat? Not me!
Susan Polgar's latest column is available in the Lubbock Avalanche Journal
Here's an interesting chess video going over part of Judit Polgar's controversial loss against the top man in chess of the day Kasparov:
She should have had the decision of that game reversed! Can you look into the story a bit more and post some details on it?
Hi, Sure, I'll be happy to post some information about the infamous Kasparov move that wasn't a move after all. I'll see what I can look up relatively quickly from my books at home and put up a new post.
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