Friday, July 31, 2009

Shira Chess Challenge: Portugal Class 1 Graduates!

Shira has sent news (very early this morning) about her latest undertaking at Pire Lampo Orphanage in Olhos D' Agua, Portugal where she is giving a two week course to the kids on behalf of her Foundation, Computerlabs for Kids! The first group of kids (Class 1) has graduated from Shira's tutorledge! Check out the video at You Tube. This photo: Shira giving a lesson to the kids. How intent they are! Even the fellow I assume is the translator (the older gentleman in the back) is paying rapt attention! Here is a photo of the happy graduating class! You can check our more photos of the kids in Class 1 at this photo album posted by Shira. Enjoy! Training Update: Errr, I am not doing too well (what's new, heh?) LOL! S76 did not respond to my invitation to play a second game - probably thought it wasn't worth his or her time/effort to play me! My probational rating is currently 1075 (one starts out at 1200). I will not receive a permanent rating until I have completed 20 games. Frog Breath has reappeared - we are now on move 22 of our game. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing in this game. I think I am pressing - overthinking. Usually I don't think at all when I play chess, I just play. Probably not a good idea, though. Duh, Jan! To all you kids out there - THIS IS NOT THE WAY YOU SHOULD BE PLAYING CHESS! Take it from me. I'm a grown up, I know. Oh, the irony, the irony... I need to hustle up some new games. Chessdaddy has gone underground (I think he has now realized just exactly the extent of what it was he so cavalierly volunteered to undertake a scant month ago and is now hiding from me). Well - he says he's working 14 hours a day. Now honestly, in this economy, WHO is working 14 hours a day? Geez! Darling, the least you can do is come up with a more original fib :) (Since Chessdaddy doesn't read this blog, he'll never know I said that, tee hee).

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